The Impact of Forestland Property Rights Security on Rural Households'Forestland Circulation Behaviors
林地产权安全性影响农户林地流转行为存在"三重效应"(保证效应、实现效应和收益效应).基于福建省的372 户农户调研数据,并结合林业管理部门干部、乡镇干部、村干部和农户等89 份访谈资料,从林地产权安全性中的法律、事实和感知安全性 3 个维度综合分析林地产权安全性对农户林地流转行为的影响.结果显示,林地产权安全性及法律、事实、感知产权安全性均对农户林地流转行为有显著的正向促进作用.进一步研究发现,林地产权安全性对农户林地流入和流出行为也都有正向影响.为此,要加强林地产权保护,确保权属清晰、责权利统一;有序推进林地流转,发展林业适度规模经营;健全农村社会保障制度,完善林权改革配套工作.
⑴ Background——Collective forestland is an important national land resource and an important production factor of forestry,which accounts for about 60%of the total area of forestland in China.The effective utilization of collective forestland resources is not only directly related to the livelihood of forest farmers and the development of forestry economy,but also the key to the development of forestry industry in the whole country.At present,there are abundant research results on the relationship between the farmers'land property rights security and land cir-culation behaviors,but there are few literature on the impact of forestland property rights security on forestland circulation behaviors and the special influencing factors of forestland circulation. ⑵ Methods——Based on the theoretical analysis of the impact of forestland property rights security on ru-ral households'forestland circulation behaviors,this paper empirically analyzed the impact of forestland property rights security on rural households'forestland circulation behaviors from three dimensions:legal security,factual security and perceived security.Finally,this paper further analyzed the impact of forestland property rights secur-ity on rural households'forestland inflow and outflow behaviors.The research data were collected from a ques-tionnaire survey of 372 rural households in 15 counties(cities and districts)in Fujian Province from 2021 to 2022,and interviews with 89 people including the cadres of forestry administration departments,township ca-dres,village cadres and forest farmers. ⑶ Results——The forestland property rights security has"triple effects"on the rural households'forest-land circulation behaviors,that is,the guarantee effect,the realization effect and the benefit effect.The forest-land property rights security has a significant positive impact on the rural households'forestland circulation be-haviors,and the legal security,factual security and perceived security of forestland property rights have a signifi-cant positive impact on the rural households'forestland circulation behaviors.Further research shows that the for-estland property rights security has a positive impact on the forestland inflow and outflow behaviors of the rural households,but the promotion effect of the forestland property rights security on the forestland outflow behavior of the rural households is greater than the forestland inflow behavior of the rural households. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——First,strengthen the protection of forestland property rights to en-sure the clarity of ownership and the unity of responsibilities,rights and interests.Further strengthen the forest farmers'awareness of forestland property rights,improve the forestland property rights registration system,and build a good forestland property rights protection environment.Second,promote forestland circulation in a se-quential manner,adopt the differentiated forestland circulation policies according to local conditions,and devel-op the appropriate scale management of forestry.Promote the development of market mechanism of rural forest-land circulation and speed up forestry management to scale,intensive and efficient development.Third,improve the rural social security system and the supporting work of forestland property rights reform.Reduce the excessive dependence of the rural households on the production and life of forestland,give full play to the leading role of green finance,improve the construction of forestry infrastructure,fully implement the forest chief system,strengthen the management of forest timber harvesting,promote the asset evaluation of forest resources to provide basis and services for the protection of forestland property rights and the forestland circulation.
福建农林大学 公共管理与法学院,福州 350002||福建农林大学 创新发展与公共政策研究中心,福州 350002福建农林大学 公共管理与法学院,福州 350002||福建农林大学 创新发展与公共政策研究中心,福州 350002福建农林大学 公共管理与法学院,福州 350002||福建农林大学 创新发展与公共政策研究中心,福州 350002
forestland property rightsproperty rights securityforestland circulation behaviors"triple effects"Fujian Province
《林业经济问题》 2024 (5)