Geological analysis and evaluation of copper molybdenum ore body in Chaganhua mining area
根据DZT 0214-2002《铜、铅、锌、银、镍、钼矿地质勘查规范》和DZT 0201-2002《钨、锡、汞、锑矿产地质勘查规范》的要求,对查干花矿区内的铜钼矿体,在详查控制基础上通过加密钻探工程,探求铜钼矿产资源储量;并对矿区探矿工程进行了控制与评价,查明查干花铜钼矿床水文地质、工程地质、环境地质条件划分矿床开采技术条件类型,做出水文、工程、环境方面的总体评价,为矿山建设设计提供依据.
According to the requirements of DZT 0214-2002"Geological Exploration Specification for Copper,Lead,Zinc,Silver,Nickel,and Molybdenum Mines"and DZT 0201-2002"Quality Exploration Specification for Tungsten,Tin,Mercury,and Antimony Mines",the reserves of copper and molybdenum mineral resources in the Chaganhua mining area are explored through encrypted drilling engineering based on detailed investigation and control;And control and evaluation were carried out on the exploration engineering of the mining area,identifying the hydrogeological,engineering geological,and environmental geological conditions of the Chaganhua copper molybdenum deposit,dividing the mining technology conditions of the deposit into types,and making an overall evaluation of hydrology,engineering,and environment,providing a basis for the design of mining construction.
内蒙古第一地质矿产勘查开发有限责任公司,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010
copper molybdenum oreGeological featuresCensusanalysis
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