

Impacts of forage land construction on grassland vegetation coverage at herders'scale in the farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China


饲草地建设对牧业可持续发展和草原生态保护意义重大.但基于牧户层面探讨饲草地建设对草原生态保护作用的研究尚不充分,不利于现行经营制度下的草地生态治理.基于内蒙古乌拉特中旗实地调查的牧户问卷数据,以草原植被覆盖度为指标,采用多元有序Logistic模型,探究饲草地建设对草原生态保护的作用;并基于典型嘎查归一化植被指数(NDVI)的空间数据,通过ArcGIS分析,对牧户问卷结果进行佐证.结果显示:(1)研究区61.2%的牧户建有饲草地,其中户主年龄大的和草地经营面积较小的牧户更倾向于饲草地建设;(2)建有饲草地的牧户占比越高,相应嘎查的草地植被覆盖越好,NDVI值也越高;(3)饲草地建设对草原生态保护存在经营规模的异质性影响,当牧户饲草建设地面积占其草地总经营面积比的0.6%即面积为1-1.67 hm2时,草原植被覆盖最好,表明其最利于草原生态保护.因地制宜确定饲草地的建设规模是通过饲草地建设促进草原生态保护的关键.

Forage land construction(FLC)refers to the cultivation and construction of artificial grasslands through agricultural techniques such as replanting,fertilization,and irrigation.The constructed forage land can be used for grazing and can also serve as an important source of supplementary feeding such as green fodder and silage.The FLC is thus of great significance for the sustainable development of animal husbandry and the protection of grassland ecology.However,studies on FLC from the perspective of herder households,the direct and major grassland users,are not yet sufficient.It is not conducive to grassland ecological governance under the current land tenure system.Using herder households'field survey data collected by the authors in 2021 from Urad Middle Banner of Inner Mongolia,China,this study applied a multivariate ordered logistic model(MOLM)to explore the impacts of FLC on grassland vegetation coverage(GVC).Based on the NDVI of typical Gachas,the impacts were further evidenced with ArcGIS spatial analysis method.The results show that:(1)61.2%of herder households have constructed forage land.Among which,households with elder head and smaller grassland areas being more inclined to construct forage land;(2)FLC is generally conducive to improving GVC.At herder household level,GVC of households with forage land is significantly higher than that of households without forage land.At Gacha level,the higher the proportion of households with forage land,the better the Gacha's GVC,and the higher the NDVI values;(3)The FLC has heterogeneous impacts on GVC in terms of forage land scale.The GVC is the highest when forage land accounts for 0.6%of the managed grassland area or is within 1-1.67 hm2.When the forage land area is less than 1 hm2,the positive impact of supplementary feeding on grassland ecology is offset by the expanded breeding scale of herders,resulting in degraded grassland vegetation.When the area of forage land is more than 1.67 hm2,the GVC of herder household doesn't change significantly.The results to some extent support the development theory of grassland and animal husbandry in pastoral areas of"protecting the large natural grassland area with limited constructed forage land(Yixiao Baoda in Chinese)".Considering the vast area,diverse types,and varying conditions of natural grasslands in China,adapting to local conditions to determine the reasonable proportion of FLC is the key for grassland ecological conservation through FLC.The study is expected to provide practical reference for FLC and grassland ecological restoration in the farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China.


中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院,北京 100872中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院,北京 100872中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院,北京 100872中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院,北京 100872中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院,北京 100872


herder household surveyforage land constructiongrassland ecologyvegetation coverageNDVIfarming-pastoral ecotone

《生态学报》 2024 (22)



