Optimization of Electric-heat-gas-hydrogen Integrated Energy System Based on Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm
在"双碳"目标背景下,随着清洁能源并网规模不断扩大,能源系统正面临着各方面的巨大挑战.针对碳排放、新能源消纳等问题,提出一种计及需求响应的电-热-气-氢综合能源系统优化模型,引入碳捕集-多阶段电转气运行框架,发掘电转气技术中氢能源的低碳潜力;利用氢燃料电池、储氢罐,提高系统资源调度灵活性;负荷侧考虑需求响应,源荷双侧协同参与优化.为验证该模型的有效性,设置 4种不同场景,将考虑碳交易的系统总成本最小值作为优化目标,采用含Tent混沌映射与权重因子的改进麻雀搜索算法对模型求解.结果表明,所构建的模型在降低成本、节能减排等方面具有积极作用.
The expansion of clean energy grid-connection,driven by the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality,poses great challenges for the energy system.To address the is-sues of carbon emission and new energy consumption,in the paper we propose an optimization model of an integrated elec-tricity-heat-gas-hydrogen energy system with demand response taken into account.The carbon capture system and a multi-stage power-to-gas operation framework are introduced into the system,exploring the low carbon potential of hydrogen energy resource in the process of power-to-gas.The utilization of hy-drogen fuel cells and hydrogen storage in model enhances the flexibility of resource distribution.Considering demand re-sponse,the collaborative optimization of the source and load can be achieved by incorporating demand response.
上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海市杨浦区 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海市杨浦区 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海市杨浦区 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海市杨浦区 200090
integrated energy systemmultistage power to gashydrogen energy resourcedemand responseTent chaotic mapsparrow search algorithm
《现代电力》 2024 (6)
国家自然科学基金资助项目(61672337).Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(61672337).