Emergency Maintenance and Recovery Strategy for Failures in Regional Internet of Energy in Extreme Weather
针对区域能源互联网(internet of energy,IOE)面临的安全性等问题,提出了一种基于多能互补特性的最佳供电恢复及抢修顺序技术方案.首先给出了区域能源互联网中热、气、电的多能形式数学模型和基于微型燃气轮机的热电联产耦合模型,在此基础上给出了区域能源互联系统恢复能力指标,并对极端天气下IOE内元件故障的影响及故障恢复过程进行了讨论和分析;在此基础上,将各区域根据失电严重程度与紧急程度进行故障场景划分,以全局总经济损失最小为目标,给出了区域能源互联网恢复优化目标函数和约束条件,说明并利用离散粒子群算法(discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm,DPSO)寻取全局最优解,得到最佳供电恢复方案及抢修顺序;最后,利用改进的IOE系统算例进行仿真验算,验证了所提策略的可行性和有效性.
In view of the security problems in the Internet of energy(IOE),we propose an optimal power supply restoration and emergency maintenance sequence scheme based on the characteristics of multi energy complementarity.A thermal-gas-electric poly-energy form mathematical model of IOE was presented in this paper.In addition,a thermoelectric coupling model based on micro gas turbine was also introduced.On this basis,the resilience index of the regional IOE was given,and the impact of component failures under extreme weather and the process of failure recovery were discussed and analyzed.Each region was divided into different fault scenarios accord-ing to the severity and urgency of power loss.With the aim of minimizing the global total economic loss,the optimal object-ive function and constraints for regional IOE recovery were given.The discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm(DPSO)was employed to find the global optimal solution,and then the optimal power supply recovery scheme and mainten-ance order were obtained.Finally,an improved IOE system was utilized to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the pro-posed strategy.
上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海市杨浦区 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海市杨浦区 200090国网上海市电力公司经济技术研究院,上海市徐汇区 200233国网上海市电力公司,上海市杨浦区 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海市杨浦区 200090
internet of energyfailure recoverymulti-source integrated energy systememergency maintenance strategymulti scenarios division
《现代电力》 2024 (6)
国家自然科学基金项目(52177098)国家电网有限公司科技项目(SGSHJY00GPJS2100193).Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(52177098)Project Supported by Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China(SGSHJY00GPJS2100193).