

State Estimation of the Battery State of Charge in Reconfigurable Energy Storage Systems Considering Temperature Effects


为准确估计锂离子电池的荷电状态(state of charge,SOC),在可重构电池模组的基础上考虑温度影响,结合图计算可实现对温度修正后可重构电池SOC的估计.首先,通过实验获取不同温度下电池的开路电压(open circuit voltage,OCV)和SOC的基准关系,并且搭建重构电池组热模型,分析温度的影响;其次,建立可重构电池网络图模型,利用深度优先图遍历访问电池拓扑,并且寻找温度修正后的最优连接方式,利用开路电压法获取该连接方式下待估计单体电池的SOC.最后,通过仿真分析结果,证明经过温度修正,可以减小可重构电池拓扑中因温度产生的误差,提高可重构式储能系统的SOC估计精度.

To estimate the state of charge(abbr.SOC)of the li-ion battery accurately,considering the temperature effect on the basis of the reconfigurable battery module,the temperature-cor-rected SOC of the reconfigurable battery could be estimated by combining with graph calculation.Firstly,the open circuit voltage(abbr.OCV)and SOC reference relationships of the battery at different temperatures were obtained through experi-ments,and a thermal model of the reconfigurable battery pack was built to analyze the effect of temperature.Secondly,a re-configurable battery network graph model was built,the depth-first graph was used to traverse and access battery topology,the optimal connection method after temperature correction was found,and the SOC of the individual battery was estimated us-ing the OCV method.Finally,simulation results demonstrate that temperature correction can reduce the temperature error in reconfigurable battery topology and improve the SOC estima-tion accuracy of the reconfigurable energy storage system.


国网陕西省电力公司咸阳供电公司,陕西省 咸阳市 712099西安理工大学电气工程学院,陕西省 西安市 710054国网陕西省电力公司咸阳供电公司,陕西省 咸阳市 712099国网陕西省电力公司咸阳供电公司,陕西省 咸阳市 712099西安理工大学电气工程学院,陕西省 西安市 710054西安理工大学电气工程学院,陕西省 西安市 710054



energy storage systemslithium-ion batteriesbattery state estimationbattery topology reconfiguration

《现代电力》 2024 (6)


国家自然科学基金资助项目(52009106)国家电网陕西省电力公司咸阳供电公司科技项目(SGSNXY00XYPWJS2200161).Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(52009106)State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Company Xianyang Power Supply Company Science and Technology Project(SGSNXY00XYPWJS2200161).

