Effects of salt stress and re-watering on the physiology,biochemistry and microstructure of cotton leaf structure
[目的]研究棉花苗期响应盐胁迫的应答机制,为棉花耐盐品种筛选提供依据.[方法]对耐盐型棉花和敏感型棉花三叶期幼苗进行200 mM NaCl胁迫处理,观察NaCl处理下0、48 h和复水48h的棉花叶片显微结构并分析生理生化指标.[结果]耐盐型和敏感型棉花幼苗在NaCl胁迫0~48h叶片和茎秆逐渐软化,敏感型幼苗在NaCl处理下子叶枯萎并凋落,真叶叶缘轻微焦化.NaCl处理下,棉花叶片丙二醛浓度显著升高,叶绿素含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性均显著降低.经复水处理,耐盐型和敏感型棉花均得到一定的恢复,丙二醛浓度降低,而叶绿素含量、超氧化物歧化酶活性和过氧化物酶活性均升高.盐胁迫条件下,耐盐型和敏感型的棉花叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度和海绵组织厚度均下降,且敏感型材料SS型下降幅度较大,与正常条件下差异显著,但2 个材料在复水后均有所恢复,且耐盐型材料恢复更好.[结论]NaCl处理 48h不仅对棉花的生理生化水平有影响,还诱导细胞和组织发生结构性的改变,复水能有效缓解盐胁迫下棉花的生理生化水平.耐盐型棉花材料比敏感型材料具有更强的耐盐性和复水后恢复更快.
[Objective]To study the response mechanism of cotton seedlings in response to salt stress,and to provide experimental basis for the screening of salt-tolerant varieties of cotton.[Methods]Salt-tol-erant and sensitive cotton seedlings were treated with 200 mM NaCl at the three-leaf stage,and the micro-structures of cotton leaves were observed,and physiological and biochemical indexes were analyzed at 0,48 h and 48 h of re-watering under NaCl treatment.[Results]Salt-tolerant and sensitive seedlings gradually sof-tened their leaves and stalks under NaCl stress from 0-48 h.Sensitive seedlings withered and faded their cot-yledons and slightly scorched the margins of the true leaves under NaCl treatment.The malondialdehyde con-centration of cotton leaves was significantly elevated,and the chlorophyll content and the activity of superoxide dismutase were significantly reduced under NaCl treatment.After re-watering,both salt-tolerant and sensi-tive types were somewhat restored,malondialdehyde concentration was reduced,and chlorophyll content,su-peroxide dismutase activity and peroxidase activity were increased.Under salt stress conditions,leaf thickness,fenestrated tissue thickness and spongy tissue thickness of salt-tolerant and sensitive types decreased,and the SS type of sensitive material decreased more,and the difference was significant compared with normal condi-tions,but both materials recovered after re-watering,and the salt-tolerant material recovered better.[Con-clusion]NaCl treatment for 48 h not only has an effect on the physiological and biochemical levels of cotton,but also induces the cellular activity of superoxide dismutase and oxidase activity.levels,but also induces structural changes in cells and tissues,and re-watering can effectively alleviate the physiological and bio-chemical levels of cotton under salt stress.Salt-tolerant materials have stronger salt tolerance and faster re-covery after re-watering than sensitive materials.
新疆农业大学农学院,乌鲁木齐 830052山东省第三地质矿产勘查院,山东 烟台 264000中国地质调查局乌鲁木齐自然资源综合调查中心,乌鲁木齐 830057
cottonsalt tolerancephysiology and biochemistrymicrostructurere-watering
《新疆农业科学》 2024 (010)
2351-2357 / 7
国家重点研发计划子项目(2021YFD1900802-4) National key research and development plan sub-project(2021YFD1900802-4)