

Study on recommended nitrogen fertilizer quota for winter wheat under drip irrigation based on SPAD value


[目的]分析监测滴灌冬小麦关键生育期内氮素营养状况实时动态,为氮肥科学合理施用提供参考.[方法]利用叶绿素仪SPAD-502 获取不同氮梯度滴灌冬小麦拔节期、孕穗期、扬花期、灌浆期和乳熟期叶片SPAD值,分析冬小麦叶片SPAD值、施氮量和产量三者之间的关系,建立基于SPAD值的冬小麦各关键生育期氮肥推荐模型.[结果]滴灌冬小麦叶片SPAD值从拔节期至孕穗期缓慢下降,从孕穗到灌浆期均快速增大,进入灌浆期后开始减小,除乳熟期外各生育期不同氮处理间SPAD值差异显著;拔节期、孕穗期、扬花期和灌浆期叶片SPAD值与施氮量之间呈极显著线性相关,相关系数在0.826 以上;产量和施氮量为二次函数关系,关系表达式为Y=-0.034 5X2+19.494X+6 035,最高产量8 789 kg/hm2,对应的施氮量为282.52 kg/hm2,施氮量为268.67 kg/hm2 可实现最佳经济产量8 782.12 kg/hm2;拔节期、孕穗期、扬花期和灌浆期临界SPAD值分别为43.07、42.09、49.35 和52.07.[结论]根据各生育时期SPAD值与施氮量的关系建立了氮肥推荐模型,基于冬小麦叶片SPAD值建立的关键生育期氮肥推荐模型可以实现营养诊断和指导分期施肥.

[Objective]To provide a reference for the real-time monitoring of nitrogen nutrition and the scientific and rational application of nitrogen fertilizer during the key growth period of winter wheat under drip irrigation.[Methods]The leaf SPAD values of winter wheat under drip irrigation with different nitrogen gradi-ents were obtained by using chlorophyll analyzer SPAD-502,the relationship among leaf SPAD value,nitro-gen application amount and yield was analyzed,and the recommended nitrogen fertilizer model of winter wheat at each key growth stage based on SPAD value was established.[Results]Leaf SPAD value of drip irrigation winter wheat decreased slowly from jointing stage to booting stage,increased rapidly from booting stage to fill-ing stage,and began to decrease after entering filling stage.The SPAD values of different nitrogen treatments were significantly different at different growth stages excluding milk maturity stage.There was a significant lin-ear correlation between leaf SPAD and nitrogen application at jointing stage,booting stage,flowering stage and filling stage,and the correlation coefficient was above 0.826;The relationship between yield and nitrogen ap-plication was quadratic function,Y=-0.034,5X2+19.494X+6,035;The highest yield was 8,789 kg/hm2,and the corresponding nitrogen application was 282.52 kg/hm2,In order to obtain the optimal economic yield of 8,782.12 kg/hm2,the nitrogen application amount was 268.67 kg/hm2;The critical SPAD values at joint-ing,booting,flowering and filling stages were 43.07、42.09、49.35 and 52.07,respectively.[Conclusion]A ideal nitrogen recommendation model was established according to the relationship between SPAD value and nitrogen application amount in each growth period.The recommended nitrogen fertilizer model based on SPAD value of wheat leaves can realize nutrient diagnosis and guide phased fertilization.


新疆农业大学资源与环境学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业科学院土壤肥料与农业节水研究所/新疆农业科学院农业遥感中心,乌鲁木齐 830091



drip-irrigated winter wheatSPAD valuenitrogen application ratenitrogen fertilizer rec-ommendation of topdressing

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (010)

2366-2373 / 8

农业科技创新稳定支持专项(xjnkywdzc-2022002);新疆维吾尔自治区重大科技专项项目(2022A02011-2);新疆农业科学院自主培育专项(xjnkycxzx-2022004) Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation and Stability Support Project(xjnkywdzc-2022002);Major Science and Technolo-gy Special Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(2022A02011-2);Independent Cultivation Project of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences(xjnkycxzx-2022004)

