

Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth and Quality of Spring Tea Shoots


研究旨在探究不同类型及浓度植物生长调节剂对泰山区春茶新梢生长与茶叶品质的影响,以期为春茶优质、高效生产提供理论支撑.试验以'御金香'茶为试材,在春茶萌动前期通过不同浓度赤霉素及碧护生长调节剂处理,调查分析茶树叶片叶绿素含量、叶面积、新梢长度、百芽重、芽密度、单位面积产量及品质指标的变化.结果表明,不同植物生长调节剂处理对春茶新梢生长及品质的影响程度存在差异.(1)高浓度(75 mg/L)赤霉素处理下,叶片叶绿素含量最高,对新梢长度、叶面积、百芽重及芽密度促进作用最为显著,但咖啡碱、总灰分、茶多酚含量也相对较高.(2)中低浓度(50、25 mg/L)赤霉素处理对茶树新梢生长及品质指标的影响低于高浓度赤霉素处理.(3)生产中使用频率较高的植物生长调节剂碧护处理对新梢长度与叶面积有较为显著的促进作用,但对百芽重和芽密度有一定降低作用,同时,其对于游离氨基酸和茶多酚的含量有促进作用,且可降低咖啡碱及总灰分含量,品质指标表现较好.在茶叶生产过程中选择赤霉素虽然可提高产量,但不利于保持茶叶品质;碧护有利于茶叶品质的形成,但对于提高产量作用不大.因此,为获得优质高产的茶叶产品,施用植物生长调节剂不可作为唯一调节手段.

The research aimed to explore the effects of different types of plant growth regulators and their concentration differences on the growth of spring tea shoots and tea quality,in order to provide theoretical support for high-quality and efficient spring tea production in Taishan tea area.With'Yujinxiang'tea as test material,the changes and differences of chlorophyll content,leaf area,shoot length,100-bud weight,bud density,unit yield and quality indexes of tea leaves were investigated and analyzed by different concentrations of gibberellin and Bihu growth regulator in the early stage of spring tea germination.The results showed that the effects of different plant growth regulators on the growth and quality of spring tea shoots were different.(1)Under the treatment of high concentration(75 mg/L)of gibberellin,the chlorophyll content was the highest,and the shoot length,leaf area,100-bud weight and bud density were the most significant,but the contents of caffeine,total ash and tea polyphenols were also relatively high.(2)The effects of medium and low concentration(50,25 mg/L)of gibberellin on the growth and quality indexes of tea shoots were lower than those of high concentration gibberellin treatment.(3)Under the treatment of plant growth regulator Bihu,which is frequently used in current production,it had a significant promoting effect on shoot length and leaf area,but it had a certain reducing effect on 100-bud weight and bud density.At the same time,it could promote the content of free amino acids and tea polyphenols,and reduce the content of caffeine and total ash,and the quality index was better.In the process of tea production,although the selection of gibberellin can increase the yield,it is not conducive to maintaining the quality of tea,while Bihu is conducive to the formation of tea quality,but it has little effect on increasing the yield.Therefore,in order to obtain high-quality and high-yield tea products,spraying plant growth regulators cannot be used as a single adjustment method.


泰安市农业科学院,山东 泰安 271000泰安市食品药品检验检测研究院,山东 泰安 271000



plant growth regulatorspring teanew shootyieldTaishan tea areagibberellinBihutea quality

《农学学报》 2024 (011)

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