Role Arrangement and Function Optimization:A Study on the System of Visiting and Caring for the Elderly in China
Establishing the system of visiting and caring for the elderly with special difficulties is an important content and key support to promote the realization of basic elderly care services for all the elderly and improve the care service system for the elderly in China in the new era.Accurately grasp the elements,functional value and operational logic of the system of visiting and caring in the inter-action between the macro category of the national basic elderly care service and the home-based eld-erly care service system network.Although the overall arrangement of visiting and caring services is made from the policy and system level,there are still some shortcomings and obstacles in the actual operation,such as type delineation,resource integration,method application and functional connec-tivity.It is constructed from the system level of standard system construction,operational mecha-nism coordination and service quality assurance,and optimized from the practice level of standard process,internal outreach and empowerment business to ensure the full release of its system divi-dend.
国家税务总局党校习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心||国家税务总局党校公共教研部,江苏扬州 225007
basic elderly care servicevisiting and caring servicesrole arrangementfunction opti-mization
《中共天津市委党校学报》 2024 (006)
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