Survey and Diversity Analysis of Minor Grain Crop Germplasm Resources in Eryuan County
为了全面摸清洱源县小杂粮作物种质资源的种类、分布、演变及现状,采用座谈交流和实地考察相结合的方法,在洱源县开展了第三次全国种质资源普查与收集工作.结果表明,共征集到古老、珍稀小杂粮作物种质资源 106 份,隶属于 13 个科,29 个属,37 个种.这些小杂粮作物有 37 240 户农户栽培,其中,种植豆科作物农户占比最大(34.1%),其次是种植十字花科作物农户(23.7%),再次是种植禾本科作物农户(20.3%).豆科作物以扁豆、蚕豆、多花菜豆、饭豆、光叶紫花苕、利马豆、绿豆、普通菜豆、豌豆为主;禾本科作物以大麦、燕麦等为主.通过对洱源县小杂粮作物种质资源多样性的研究可知,炼铁乡、凤羽镇、茈碧湖镇多样性指数均较高,说明这 3 个乡(镇)保存的小杂粮作物资源相对较多,种植面积也相对较大,但保护和利用研究工作也刻不容缓.
In order to comprehensively understand the types,distribution,evolution,and status of minor grain crop germplasm resources in Eryuan County,the third national survey and collection of germplasm resources was conducted using a combination of group discussions and field investigations.The results showed that 106 samples of ancient and rare minor grain crop germplasm resources were collected,belonging to 13 families,29 genera,and 37 species.The minor grain crop was utilized by 37 240 household.The household planting leguminous crop accounted for the largest proportion(34.1%),followed by the household planting cruciferous crop(23.7%)and cereal crop(20.3%).The leguminous crop mainly included lentil,broad bean,multi-flower bean,rice bean,hairy vetch,lima bean,mung bean,common bean,and pea;the cereal crop was predominantly barley and oat.Based on the study of the diversity of minor grain crop germplasm resources in Eryuan County,it was found that Liantie Town,Fengyu Town,and Cibihu Town had relatively high diversity indexes,indicating that these three towns had relatively abundant minor grain crop resources with larger cultivated areas.However,research on their protection and utilization is urgently needed.
云南省农业科学院高山经济植物研究所,云南 丽江 674199云南省农业科学院高山经济植物研究所,云南 丽江 674199云南省农业科学院高山经济植物研究所,云南 丽江 674199云南省农业科学院高山经济植物研究所,云南 丽江 674199云南省农业科学院高山经济植物研究所,云南 丽江 674199云南省农业科学院高山经济植物研究所,云南 丽江 674199
minor grain cropgermplasm resourcetypediversityEryuan Yunnan
《现代农业科技》 2024 (23)