Breeding Process and Characteristics of a New Fresh-eating Black Waxy Maize Variety,Yanheinuo 2134
炎黑糯 2134 是以糯玉米自交系 706 为母本,以XMS-HN为父本杂交育成的鲜食黑糯玉米一代杂交品种.该品种株型平展,生长势强,株高 300 cm,双穗率 1.8%.果穗锥形,穗长 21.0 cm;穗轴紫色,籽粒黑紫色,粗淀粉含量 72.38%,支链淀粉含量 100.00%.中抗茎腐病、穗腐病和矮花叶病,抗大斑病,感丝黑穗病.鲜穗产量较高,出苗至鲜穗采收 94d左右,适宜在山西省糯玉米主产区种植.介绍了炎黑糯 2134 的亲本特征特性、选育过程、品种特征特性、栽培技术及种子繁育要点,以期为该品种的推广应用提供参考.
Yanheinuo 2134 is a first-generation hybrid variety of fresh-eating black waxy maize developed by using waxy maize inbred line 706 as the female parent and XMS-HN as the male parent.It has a spreading plant type with strong growth vigor and a plant height of 300 cm,and the double-ear rate is 1.8%.The cob is cone-shaped with a length of 21.0 cm;the cob axis is purple,and the grains are dark purple.The crude starch content is 72.38%,and the amylopectin content is 100.00%.It is moderately resistant to stalk rot,ear rot,and dwarf mosaic virus disease,resistant to large spot disease,and susceptible to head smut.It has a high fresh cob yield,with a duration about 94 days from emergence to fresh cob harvest.It is suitable to plant in the main waxy maize production areas of Shanxi Province.This paper introduced the parental characteristics,breeding process,variety characteristics,cultivation techniques,and seed production key points of Yanheinuo 2134,aiming to provide references for the promotion and application of this variety.
山西农业大学高粱研究所,山西 晋中 030600山西农业大学高粱研究所,山西 晋中 030600山西农业大学高粱研究所,山西 晋中 030600山西农业大学高粱研究所,山西 晋中 030600山西农业大学高粱研究所,山西 晋中 030600山西农业大学高粱研究所,山西 晋中 030600
fresh-eating black waxy maizeYanheinuo 2134breeding processcharacteristiccultivation technique
《现代农业科技》 2024 (23)