Disaster Investigation and Seismic Damage Mechanism Analysis of 750 kV Arresters in the Jishishan 6.2-Magnitude Earthquake in Gansu Province
变电站避雷器在地震作用下具有较高的易损性.2023年12月18日,甘肃积石山发生MS 6.2级地震,造成 750 kV变电站的避雷器破坏.为了研究 750 kV避雷器的地震破坏机理,对该变电站进行了震害现场调研,给出了避雷器不同的破坏现象和地震易损性,采用有限元分析模拟地震作用下避雷器的地震响应,分析震害机理,给出抗震性能提升措施.结果表明:避雷器的破坏模式有根部法兰处瓷套断裂、顶部导线牵拉变形、相邻设备碰撞引起的短路故障等;避雷器瓷套根部的应力响应随着支架刚度的增加呈现出先下降后保持水平的趋势,电流互感器-避雷器耦联结构的基频差异导致设备顶端相对位移过大进而引起导线牵拉破坏;采用格构式钢支架和减隔震装置可以增加避雷器的地震安全裕度,提升电气设备的抗震性能.
Substation arrester has a high vulnerability to earthquakes.An MS(surface wave magnitude)6.2 earthquake occurred in the Jishishan region(in Gansu Province of China)on December 18th,2023.The massive arresters in a 750 kV substation lost electrical function by the earthquake.In order to study the seismic damage mechanism of the 750 kV ar-rester,this paper conducts a field investigation on the seismic damage of the substation and gives different damage modes and seismic vulnerability of the arrester.The finite element analysis is used to simulate the seismic response of the arrester under the action of earthquake,and the mechanism of seismic damage is analyzed.The results show that the failure modes of the arrester include the fracture of porcelain sleeve at the bottom of bush,the traction deformation of the conducting wire,and the short-circuit fault caused by the collision of adjacent equipment.With the increase in the stiffness of the steel support,the stress response at bottom of porcelain sleeve shows a trend of decreasing first and then maintaining the level.The relative displacement at the top of coupling structure with different fundamental frequencies(current trans-former and arrester connected by conduct wire)reaches its maximum allowable displacement value,which leads to traction damage.The use of lattice steel support and seismic isolation devices can increase the seismic safety margin of arresters and improve the seismic performance of electrical equipment.
同济大学土木工程学院,上海 200092国网四川省电力公司电力科学研究院,成都 610041同济大学土木工程学院,上海 200092国网四川省电力公司电力科学研究院,成都 610041
Jishishan Earthquakearrestersseismic disaster investigationdamage mechanismseismic isolation measures
《高电压技术》 2024 (11)
四川省科技计划项目(2023YFG0089).Project supported by Science and Technology Program of Sichuan Province(2023YFG0089).