Study on Influence of Recycled Aggregate on Mechanical Properties of Recycled Concrete
为深入探究再生骨料对再生混凝土力学性能的影响,文中选取不同比例的再生粗骨料替代原始的天然骨料,制备再生混凝土样本,并对样本进行基本物理性能和力学性能测试与分析.结果表明,随着再生骨料掺量的递增,再生混凝土的吸水率及孔隙率呈现出逐步上升的趋势,而密度则相应降低.再生骨料的掺量达到40%时,其密度相较于使用天然骨料的混凝土出现约 1.26%的降幅.此外,再生混凝土的抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度等力学特性,均展现出与采用天然骨料混凝土不同的特性.
In order to deeply explore the influence of recycled aggregate on the mechanical properties of recycled concrete,recycled concrete samples were prepared by using recycled coarse aggregate of different proportions instead of the original natural aggregate,and the basic physi-cal and mechanical properties of the samples were tested and analyzed.The results show that with the increase of recycled aggregate content,the water absorption and voidage of recycled concrete show a gradual increase trend,while the density decreases correspondingly.When the re-cycled aggregate content reaches 40%,the density of recycled concrete shows a significant decrease of about 1.26%compared with that of nat-ural aggregate.In addition,the mechanical properties of recycled concrete,such as compressive strength and splitting tensile strength,are sig-nificantly different from those of natural aggregate concrete.
北京铁城工程咨询有限公司,北京 100043
Recycled aggregateRecycled concreteMechanical propertiesWater absorption rateDensity
《江西建材》 2024 (9)