

Effects of Wide and Narrow Rows on Growth,Yield and Quality of High-density Flue-cured Tobacco in Hanzhong Tobacco-growing Areas



Yunyan 99 was used as the material in this experiment.Integrated the climate environment and cultivation system of Xixiang County,three treatments were set up:traditional equal row spacing conventional density cultivation mode(CK),traditional equal row spacing high-density cultivation mode(T1)and wide narrow row high-density cultivation mode(T2).The differences in agronomic traits,dry matter accumulation,appearance quality,chemical composition,yield quality,and economic benefits of flue-cured tobacco were studied under different treatments.The results showed that the overall agronomic traits and dry fresh weight of the three treatments were CK>T2>T1.The T2 treatment could alleviate the effect of high density on the thin and weak growth of tobacco plants to a certain extent.High density treatments T1 and T2 reduced the fresh weight and dry matter accumulation of individual plants,and the dry weight decreased.The reduction effect of T1 was significant.The appearance quality of the three treatments was greatly affected by the leaf position,with the middle leaf having the best appearance quality and the lower leaf having poorer appearance quality,with the upper leaf having better appearance quality.The changes in chemical composition of upper leaves and middle leaves were similar,with T1 and T2 treatments exhibiting high sugar and low alkali content,and the coordination of chemical composition was within an appropriate range.The yields of T1 and T2 were both higher than CK,increasing by 8.89%and 14.81%respectively.The output values of T1 and T2 increased by 3.50%and 16.84%respectively compared to CK.Comprehensive analysis shows that T2 treatment has the best comprehensive benefits and is suitable for promotion and application in the Hanzhong tobacco-growing areas.


汉中市烟草公司 宁强分公司,陕西 宁强 724400河南农业大学 烟草学院/烟草行业烟草栽培重点实验室/国家烟草栽培生理生化研究基地,河南 郑州 450046||恩施州烟草公司 巴东分公司,湖北 巴东 444300汉中市烟草公司 西乡分公司 723500汉中市烟草公司 烟叶分公司,陕西 汉中 723000汉中市烟草公司 南郑分公司,陕西 南郑 530001河南农业大学 烟草学院/烟草行业烟草栽培重点实验室/国家烟草栽培生理生化研究基地,河南 郑州 450046



Flue-cured tobaccoWide and narrow rowsHigh densityAgronomic traitsChemical compositionAppearance qualityOutput value

《江西农业学报》 2024 (011)

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