

Regional differences and dynamic evolution of food security levels


厘清食物安全水平的区域差异和动态演进特征,对积极落实政府在食物安全方面的主体责任,保障食物安全具有重要意义.通过构建食物安全水平综合评价指标体系,综合运用Dagum基尼系数、Moran's I等方法测算分析 2001-2022 年各省份食物安全水平的区域差异和动态演进特征.研究发现:样本年间,全国食物安全水平呈递增态势,多数省份食物生产不仅满足本地区的消费需要,并且对外有贡献.分地区来看,食物安全水平主产区最高,产销平衡区、主销区依次位列其后.相较于大食物观下的粮食安全,狭义上的粮食安全水平略低.全国及各地区食物安全水平的相对差异呈扩大趋势,区域间差异是其主要的差异来源,区域内差异仍具有一定贡献率;食物安全水平呈现正向集聚的空间特征,高值聚集区主要为粮食主产区省份,低值聚集区以主销区和产销平衡区省份为主.树立大食物观,强化食物安全的政策效应,以高标准农田建设为抓手,保持省份差异缩小态势,充分发挥空间效应,深化食物安全的省域联动和优势互补,不断提高我国的食物安全水平.

Clarifying the regional differences and dynamic evolution of food security levels is of great significance for actively implementing the government's main responsibility and ensuring food security.By constructing a comprehensive evaluation index system for food security levels,this paper estimated and analyzed the regional differences and dynamic evolution of food security levels across various provinces from 2001 to 2022 by the Dagum Gini coefficient and the Moran's I index.Results show that during the observed years,the food security level of the country shows an increasing trend and food production in most provinces not only meets the consumption needs of the region,but also contributes to others,with the highest level found in the main producing region,followed by the production and sales balance and the main sales area.Compared with food security under the greater food approach,the level of food security in the narrow sense is slightly lower.The relative difference is expanding in China,and the overall difference sources are mainly inter-regional differences,while the contribution rates of intra-regional differences still have a certain contribution rate.The level of food security shows a spatial feature of positive clustering,the high and low gathering areas are mainly respectively in the producing area,sales area and balance area.To establish a greater food approach and strengthen the policy impact of food security,this paper suggests:prioritizing the establishment of high-standard farmland,fostering a trend of provincial convergence,leveraging spatial dynamics to deepen interprovincial and regional collaboration in food security,harnessing complementary advantages,and continuously enhancing China's level of food security.


河南农业大学经济与管理学院,河南 郑州 450046



greater food approachfood securityregional differencesdistributed dynamicsspatial effect

《农业现代化研究》 2024 (005)

793-802 / 10

国家自然科学基金项目(72003057);国家社会科学基金项目(14BGL093);河南省软科学项目(242400410334).Supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(72003057);National Social Science Foundation of China(14BGL093);Henan Soft Science Project(242400410334).

