

Application Value of Static Progressive Stretch Training Combined with Routine Rehabilitation Training in Postoperative Rehabilitation of Patients with Elbow Joint Fracture


目的:分析持续静态牵伸(SPS)训练联合常规康复训练在肘关节骨折患者术后康复中的应用价值.方法:选取 2023年 5月—2024年 2月宁津县人民医院收治的 120例肘关节骨折患者为研究对象,按随机数字表法将其分为研究组和对照组,每组 60例.对照组术后采取常规康复训练治疗,研究组在对照组基础上采取SPS训练治疗.连续治疗 12周后,对比两组肿胀程度、肘关节主动活动情况、肘关节功能及日常生活能力.结果:治疗后,研究组肿胀程度评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).研究组肘关节活动优良率为93.33%,高于对照组的78.33%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).研究组Mayo肘关节功能评分与Barthel指数评分均较对照组高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:SPS训练联合常规康复训练用于肘关节骨折患者术后康复中,可缓解患者关节肿胀程度,增加肘关节活动度,改善肘关节功能及日常生活能力.

Objective:To analyze the effect of satic progressive stretch(SPS)training combined with routine rehabilitation training in postoperative rehabilitation of patients with elbow joint fracture.Methods:A total of 120 patients with elbow joint fracture admitted to Ningjin County People's Hospital from May 2023 to February 2024 were selected as the research objects and divided into a study group and a control group according to random number table method,with 60 cases in each group.The control group received routine rehabilitation training and the study group received SPS training treatment on the basis of the control group.After 12 weeks of continuous treatment,the degree of swelling,active elbow movement,elbow function and ability of daily living were compared between the two groups.Results:After treatment,the swelldng degree score of the study group was lower than that of the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The excellent and good rate of elbow joint movement in the study group was 93.33%,which was higher than 78.33%in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Mayo Elbow-Performance Score and Barthel Index score in the study group were higher than those in the control group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:SPS training combined with routine rehabilitation training for postoperative rehabilitation of patients with elbow fracture can alleviate the degree of joint swelling,improve the elbow joint motion,improve the elbow joint function and daily living ability.


山东省宁津县人民医院康复医学科,山东 德州 253400



Elbow fractureProlonged static stretchingContinuous static stretching trainingActive range of motion of elbow jointElbow joint function

《中国伤残医学》 2024 (016)

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