Spatial distribution and influencing factors of Larimichthys polyactis in the southern waters of Jiangsu Province based on ensemble species distribution model(ESDM)
为了应对近海渔业资源日益衰退的问题,为实施基于空间的渔业管理提供必要信息,以江苏南部海域小黄鱼为研究对象,根据2019-2022年在该海域进行的季节性渔业资源综合调查,结合5个生物和非生物因子,采用组合物种分布模型(Ensemble species distribution model,ESDM),研究了该海域小黄鱼的空间分布特征及其主要影响因素.结果显示,相较于单一物种分布模型,组合物种分布模型具有更高的AUC值(春季:0.995±0.002;秋季:0.985±0.001)和TSS值(春季:0.935±0.038;秋季:0.903±0.029).在春季,底层水温和底层盐度的重要性水平最高(0.40和0.38),而在秋季叶绿素a和饵料生物丰度对小黄鱼空间分布的影响较大,其重要性分别为0.53和0.46.春季小黄鱼主要分布在近岸浅海区域,整体呈条带状分布;秋季小黄鱼则主要分布于水深较深的远岸水域,且适宜分布的海域范围要大于春季,整体呈块状分布.此外,小黄鱼的空间分布特征亦呈现出明显的年际差异,例如在2021年,其适宜栖息地面积明显小于其他年份,分布范围也仅限于局部区域.研究表明,组合物种分布模型具有更优的预测性能,能够更好地反映小黄鱼的栖息分布特征及其影响因素;不同季节小黄鱼的适生区及影响因素各有差异.本研究可为揭示该海域小黄鱼的时空分布特征及其变化规律提供理论依据,为实施基于空间的渔业管理和保护区选划提供基础资料.
To cope with the increasing decline of offshore fishery resources and to provide essential information for spatial-based fishery management,in this study,the spatial distribution and influencing factors of Larimichthys polyactis in the southern waters of Jiangsu Province were examined using an ensemble species distribution model(ESDM)based on the survey conducted during spring and autumn in 2019-2022.Five biotic and abiotic factors were selected to analyze the distribution characteristics of L.polyactis and its relationship with influencing factors.Results showed that the ensemble species distribution model had higher AUC(spring:0.995±0.002;autumn:0.985±0.001)and TSS(spring:0.935±0.038;autumn:0.903±0.029)values than those in single species distribution models.Sea bottom temperature(0.40)and sea bottom salinity(0.38)had the highest importance levels in spring,while chlorophyll a and prey had greater influences on the spatial distribution of L.polyactis in autumn with importance levels of 0.53 and 0.46.L.polyactis were mainly distributed in coastal areas in spring with a strip-like distribution;while in autumn,L.polyactis were mainly distributed in the offshore areas,with suitable habitat mostly distributed in the areas of 32.5°N-33.6° N,122°E-122.5°E with a block-like distribution,and the area of suitable area is larger than that in spring.Furthermore,the distribution of L.polyactis showed obvious interannual differences.For example,the range of suitable habitat for L.polyactis in 2021 was prominently smaller than that in other years and the range of distribution was also limited.The study showed that the ESDM had better performance and could better reflect the spatial distribution and influencing factors of L.polyactis;the suitable areas and influencing factors for L.polyactis varied from season to season.This study can provide a theoretical basis for revealing the spatio-temporal distribution and changing law of L.polyactis in this area,and provide basic information for the implementation of space-based fishery management and optimization of marine protected areas(MPAs).
江苏省海洋水产研究所,江苏 南通 226007中国海洋大学 水产学院,山东 青岛 266003中国海洋大学 水产学院,山东 青岛 266003||海州湾渔业生态系统教育部野外科学观测研究站,山东 青岛 266003
Larimichthys polyactishabitat suitabilityinfluencing factorsensemble species distribution modelsouthern waters of Jiangsu Province
《上海海洋大学学报》 2024 (006)
1345-1356 / 12