

Analysis of Radar Station Position and UAV Jitter Error for UAV Cluster Track Deception


现代化战争中,利用无人机(Unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)集群对敌方组网雷达进行航迹欺骗干扰是一种反敌方雷达侦测的有效手段.然而,考虑到战场环境的复杂性和不确定性,无人机集群因其对组网雷达定位精度有限而存在站址误差,同时受气流和控制系统等影响而存在抖动误差,两者都会导致实际生成的虚假航迹点偏离预设位置,使之无法达到预期的欺骗效果.针对以上问题,本文在已知雷达站址、无人机位置和欺骗距离,同时组网雷达空间分辨单元(Space resolution cell,SRC)一定的情况下,分别分析了存在雷达站址误差和无人机抖动误差时,无人机集群成功欺骗干扰组网雷达所允许的最大误差范围.针对典型组网雷达系统,总结了两种误差对航迹欺骗效果的影响规律,并提出了改善航迹欺骗效果的建议.数值仿真结果表明,分析和推导结果能够分别在存在雷达站址误差和无人机抖动误差情况下有效评估能否成功欺骗组网雷达.

In modern wars,using unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)clusters to jam the enemy network radar for track deception is an effective way of anti-enemy radar detection.However,given the complexity and uncertainty of the battlefield environment,there are station location errors due to the limited positioning accuracy of the networked radar,and jitter errors due to the influence of air flow and control system.These can cause the generated false track points to deviate from the preset positions and the expected deception effect cannot be achieved.To solve the above problems,this paper analyzes the radar station location errors and UAV jitter errors when the radar station position,UAV position and deception distance are known and the networked radar space resolution cell(SRC)is certain.The UAV cluster successfully deceives the maximum error range allowed by the jamming network radar.For a typical networked radar system,the influence rules of two kinds of errors on the track deception effect are summarized.Some suggestions are put forward to improve the track deception effect.Numerical simulation results show that the analysis and derivation results can effectively evaluate whether the networked radar can be successfully tricked under the condition of radar position error and UAV jitter error seperately.


南京航空航天大学雷达成像与微波光子技术教育部重点实验室,南京 211106南京航空航天大学雷达成像与微波光子技术教育部重点实验室,南京 211106南京航空航天大学雷达成像与微波光子技术教育部重点实验室,南京 211106南京航空航天大学雷达成像与微波光子技术教育部重点实验室,南京 211106



track deceptionradar position errorunmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)jitter errornetworked radarUAV cluster

《数据采集与处理》 2024 (6)



