Application of Deming Cycle Method in Quality Management of Medical Equipment
目的 探讨戴明循环法在医疗设备质量管理中的应用价值.方法 选择2023年1月至12月西安大兴医院医疗设备部门负责的50台医疗设备.由15名部门工作人员负责设备质量管理.在2023年1月至6月期间,采用传统常规管理方式;在2023年7月至12月期间,采用戴明循环法管理.比较采用戴明循环法前后医院医疗设备质量管理效果.结果 相比管理前,管理后医疗设备定期质量控制四项内容执行率均提高,医疗设备计量检定覆盖率也获得提高,P<0.05;管理后工作人员工作效果三个方面的评分均显著提高,P<0.05.结论 在对医疗设备实施质量管理过程中引入戴明循环法,对于提高医疗设备管理质量效果显著,有利于保障设备定期质量控制的执行,提高工作人员的工作效果.
Objective:To explore the application value of Deming cycle method in medical equipment quality manage-ment.Methods:From January to December 2023 50 sets of medical equipment in charge of medical equipment de-partment of Daxing Hospital in Xi'an were selected.Fifteen department staff are responsible for equipment quality management.During the period from January to June 2023,traditional conventional management methods were a-dopted;From July to December 2023,it was managed by Deming cycle method.To compare the quality management effect of hospital medical equipment before and after using Deming cycle method.Results:Compared with before management,the implementation rate of four contents of regular quality control of medical equipment was im-proved after management,and the coverage rate of metrological verification of medical equipment was also im-proved,P<0.05;After the management,the scores of staff's work effect in three aspects were significantly im-proved,P<0.05.Conclusion:The introduction of Deming cycle method in the process of quality management of medical equipment has a significant effect on improving the quality of medical equipment management,which is con-ducive to ensuring the implementation of regular quality control of equipment and improving the work effect of staff.
西安大兴医院,陕西 西安 710016
Medical equipmentQuality managementDeming cycle method
《生命科学仪器》 2024 (6)