

Effect of melt tip taper angle on atomization process in gas atomization


雾化喷嘴作为气雾化制粉的核心部件,其关键结构参数(导流管熔体尖端锥角)可显著影响雾化效果.与调节气体压力、温度等工艺参数相比,通过改变熔体尖端锥角提高气雾化性能更有效、更经济.本文基于计算流体动力学方法,利用商用计算流体动力学软件FLUENT对气雾化过程中高温高压密闭雾化室内复杂的多相流进行了可视化仿真计算,模拟了不同熔体尖端锥角下的雾化室内部流场,分析了单相流场中各因素对熔体破碎效果的影响,并采用VOF两相流模型模拟了一次雾化过程进.结果表明,改变熔体尖端锥角(16°、22°、28°、34°、40°和 46°)可改变气体流动方向,且随着锥角的变化,单相流场中的滞点位置、滞点压力和抽吸压力呈现规律性特征.一次雾化后质量中径随熔体尖端锥角的变化而变化,通过改变熔体尖端锥角,可有效控制一次雾化后的液滴尺寸分布.当熔体尖端锥角为34°时,最小质量中径为304 μm.

Atomizing nozzle is the core component of the gas atomization process,which structural parameters,especially the melt tip taper angle of the delivery tube,have the great impact on the gas atomization results.Changing the taper angle of melt tip is more effective and economical than changing the atomization process parameters such as gas pressure and temperature.The computational fluid dynamics(CFD)method was used to simulate the internal flow field in the spray chamber with different melt tip taper angles in this paper.The commercial CFD software FLUENT was used to calculate and visualize the complex multiphase flow process in the closed spray chamber with high temperature and high pressure.The influence of various factors on the melt breaking effect in the single phase flow field was analyzed,and the volume of fluid(VOF)model was used to simulate the primary atomization process.The results show that the direction of air flow can be changed by changing the melt tip taper angle(16°,22°,28°,34°,40°,and 46°).With the change of taper angle,the stagnation point position,stagnation pressure,and suction pressure show the regular characteristics in single-phase flow field.The mass median diameter(MMD)of the primary atomization also varies with the change of melt tip taper angle.The droplet size distribution after primary atomization can be controlled by changing the melt tip taper angle.The minimum MMD is 304 μm when the melt tip taper angle is 34°.


大连理工大学工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室,大连 116024||大连理工大学宁波研究院,宁波 315016大连理工大学工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室,大连 116024大连理工大学工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室,大连 116024||大连理工大学宁波研究院,宁波 315016大连理工大学工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室,大连 116024鞍钢集团钢铁研究院,鞍山 114021



gas atomizationprimary atomizationtightly-coupled nozzlemelt

《粉末冶金技术》 2024 (6)


