

Effects of regulated aerated irrigation on growth and yield of rice


[目的]研究增氧-控水灌溉对水稻生育前期生理生长特性及籽粒产量的影响,揭示增氧-控水灌溉调控水稻抽穗开花期花粉活力、花期特异基因OsFKF1表达量及籽粒产量的机理,并筛选适宜的增氧-控水理论满意方案.[方法]以水稻中早 39为研究对象进行盆栽试验,设置 2种灌溉方式:CK(增氧-常规灌溉)、T(增氧-控水灌溉),采用在分蘖前期、抽穗开花期、灌浆期不控水处理(0~30 mm 水层),在分蘖中期、分蘖后期、孕穗期控水处理(60%~80%、80%~100%)模式,研究水稻生育前期各部位植物激素脱落酸ABA质量浓度、过氧化物酶POD活性对水稻抽穗开花期花粉活力、OsFKF1 基因表达量和籽粒产量的影响.[结果]水稻抽穗开花期花粉活力、花期特异基因OsFKF1 表达量和籽粒产量均显著高于CK,T3处理水稻花粉活力、T2处理花期特异基因OsFKF1 表达量和T8 处理籽粒产量出现最大值,分别为 83.28%、2.96、83.908 g/株;增氧-控水灌溉导致水稻不同处理间分蘖中期根部和叶部ABA质量浓度、分蘖后期叶部POD活性差异显著,分蘖中期根部ABA质量浓度、分蘖后期叶部POD活性分别较 CK降低 16.73%~23.69%、19.91%~66.70%,拔节孕穗期根部 ABA质量浓度较 CK增加 1.37%~63.52%,T1—T4 处理分蘖中期根部 POD 活性较 CK 降低 70.36%~71.55%,T5—T8 处理分蘖中期根部 POD 活性较 CK 增加2.53%~7.00%;多元线性回归结果表明,增氧-控水灌溉使水稻分蘖后期根部 ABA 质量浓度增加,分蘖后期和拔节孕穗期叶部ABA质量浓度、分蘖中期根部和分蘖后期叶部POD活性降低同时,提高了水稻抽穗开花期花粉活力、OsFKF1基因表达量和籽粒产量.[结论]T3 处理水稻籽粒产量为 82.18 g/株,是增氧-控水灌溉调控水稻ABA质量浓度和POD活性、提高水稻花粉活力和籽粒产量的理论满意方案.

[Objective]Soil anaerobicity is a common abiotic stress in fine-textured soils that adversely affects crop growth.Aerated irrigation,achieved by adding air bubbles to irrigation water,is a technique to mitigate soil anaerobicity.This study investigates the effect of regulated aerated irrigation on rice growth,physiological traits at different growth stages,as well as grain yield.[Method]The experiment was conducted in pots using the Zhongzao 39 rice variety as model plant.The controlled irrigation was implemented by keeping soil moisture at 80%-100%(T1)or 60%-80%(T3)of the field capacity during late-tillering stage;at 80%-100%at late-tillering and booting stage(T2);at 60%-80%during late-tillering stage and 80%-100%during booting stage(T4);at 80%-100%during middle and late tillering stages(T5),at 80%-100%from middle tillering stage to booting stage(T6),at 80%-100%during mid-tillering stage and 60%-80%during late tillering stage(T7),at 80%-100%during mid-tillering and booting stages and 60%-80%during later tillering stage.During non-controlled stages,all treatments kept a thin water layer at the depth of 0-30 cm on the soil surface.The control(CK)was conventional flooding irrigation by keeping a 0-30 cm of water layer on the soil surface.For each treatment,we measured abscisic acid(ABA),peroxidase activity(POD),pollen viability,OsFKF1 gene expression and grain yield.[Result]Compared with CK,the treatments significantly increased pollen viability,OsFKF1 expression at the heading and flowering stages,and grain yield.T3,T2 and T8 achieved the highest pollen viability(83.28%),OsFKF1 expression(2.96),and grain yield(83.908 g/plant),respectively.ABA activity in roots and leaves,and POD activity in leaves,at the mid-tillering stage differed significantly between treatments.Compared with CK,the treatments reduced ABA in roots at the mid-tillering stage by 16.73%-23.69%and POD activity in leaves at the late-tillering stage by 19.91%-66.70%;conversely,they increased ABA in roots at the booting stage by 1.37%-63.52%.At the mid-tillering stage,T1—T4 reduced POD activity in roots by 70.36%-71.55%,whereas T5—T8 increased POD activity in roots by 2.53%-7.00%.Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the treatments increased ABA in roots at the late-tillering stage,reduced ABA in leaves at the late-tillering and booting stages,and decreased POD activity in leaves at the mid-tillering and late-tillering stages.These enhanced pollen viability and OsFKF1 gene expression at the heading and flowering stages,thereby increasing grain yield.[Conclusion]Among all treatments,T3 was the most effective in regulating ABA and POD,enhancing pollen viability,and improving rice grain yield,which reached 82.18 g/plant.


湖南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,长沙 410128湖南农业大学植物保护学院,长沙 410128湖南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,长沙 410128湖南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,长沙 410128湖南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,长沙 410128湖南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,长沙 410128湖南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,长沙 410128



pollen viabilityflowering specific geneplant hormone abscisic acidperoxidase activityaerobic and water-controlled irrigationrice

《灌溉排水学报》 2024 (12)



