

Experimental study on flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of porous pin-finned array structures


高热流下微通道流动沸腾不稳定性易导致沸腾极限的提前发生.为进一步提升性能,此研究针对改进的烧结针肋阵列结构,以去离子水为工质,进行过冷流动沸腾换热实验对比研究,进口水温维持在 60℃,针肋结构采用 30、90 与 150 μm球形铜粉烧结而成.研究发现:颗粒尺寸对针肋结构内流动沸腾的换热系数和临界热流密度qCHF有显著影响,在质量通量为 52 kg·m-2·s-1 下,150 μm粒径样品综合性能最优,高热流时壁面过热度相对最低,qCHF可达到 134 W·cm-2.可视化研究发现:较大粒径样品具有较低的压力幅值并且压力脉动曲线更为有序,从而提升微通道的沸腾换热性能;增加质量通量可使干湿区域分界线后移,保证后半段的充分供液,可大大降低流动沸腾的不稳定性.结果表明烧结针肋阵列结构在提升流动沸腾性能方面具有极佳的潜力.

The instability of pressure and temperature in flow boiling could easily lead to earlier reaching of drying limit of microchannels.A comparative study on supercooled flow boiling heat transfer experiments for sintered pin-finned array structures was performed using deionized water as the working fluid.The pin-finned structure was sintered with 30 μm,90 μm and 150 μm spherical copper powder,and the inlet water temperature was maintained at 60℃.The results show that particle size has a significant effect on heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux qCHF of flow boiling in porous microchannels.The PF-150 sample showed the lowest wall superheat at high heat fluxes at a mass flux of 52 kg·m-2·s-1,and its qCHF reached 134 W·cm-2.The visualization results show that the larger particle size samples presented lower pressure amplitude and more-ordered pressure fluctuation,which improves the boiling heat transfer performance of the pin-finned array.Increasing mass flux can move the wet-drought boundary backwards to ensure adequate liquid supply in the rear part,and greatly reduce the instability of flow boiling.The results indicate that the sintered pin-finned array has great potential in improving flow boiling performance.


江苏科技大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 镇江 212003江苏科技大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 镇江 212003江苏科技大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 镇江 212003江苏科技大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 镇江 212003



pin-finned arraysinteringflow boilingtwo-phase flow

《高校化学工程学报》 2024 (6)



