Technical and Economic Analysis of Homogeneous Dam Built with Modified Yellow River Sediment
This article discusses the technical and economic analysis of construction of homogeneous dam with modified Yellow River sediment.With the modification technology the Yellow River sediment could be used for building homogeneous(dam)embankments,solving the local construction materials supply,and promoting the development of related industries.By using the YRSC new-type sediment condensing agent,the permeability of Yellow River sediment is significantly reduced,and cohesiveness is improved.The modified sediment has good water stability and scouring-resistance,contributing to the resources utilization of Yellow River sediment and ecological environmental protection.The modification technology can turn sediment into resources,making it possible to use Yellow River sediment to build new sediment(dam)embankments,saving investment and reducing land resources waste.The sediment modification technology has significant economic and social benefits,providing strong support for Yellow River management and water conservancy engineering construction.
三门峡黄河明珠(集团)有限公司,河南 三门峡 472000三门峡黄河明珠(集团)有限公司,河南 三门峡 472000黄河水利职业技术学院,河南 开封 475004黄河水利职业技术学院,河南 开封 475004
modified Yellow River sedimentpermeabilitycohesivenesssediment filled homogeneous dam
《河南水利与南水北调》 2024 (11)