Preparation of chitosan-based electrospinning nanofibers and their application in tissue engineering
Electrospinning is a simple and efficient technology used to prepare continuous nano or microfibers.Chitosan is the only natural alkaline cationic polysaccharide.Chitosan-based nanofibers prepared through electro-spinning have the advantages of large specific surface area,high porosity,strong drug delivery ability,good bio-compatibility,good biodegradability,hemostasis,antibacterial ability,and healing promotion ability.Hence,they have broad application prospects in the field of tissue engineering.The preparation of chitosan-based electrospin-ning nanofibers and research advances of such nanofibers in bone,skin,blood vessels,and nerve tissue engineering have been reviewed.Finally,we present the future development direction of chitosan-based electrospinning nano-fibers in tissue engineering and expect to provide a theoretical reference for future research.
中国海洋大学 海洋生命学院,山东 青岛 266003中国海洋大学 海洋生命学院,山东 青岛 266003
chitosanelectrospinningnanofiberstissue engineering
《海洋科学》 2024 (10)
国家重点研发计划-基于壳聚糖的大创伤急救修复医用材料研究开发(2018YFC0311102)[National Key R&D Program of China-Research and Devel-opment of Medical Materials for Emergency Repair of Severe Trauma Based on Chitosan,No.2018YFC0311102]