

Quality evaluation of ultrafine powder of Spatholobus suberectus based on HPLC fingerprint combined with stoichiometry methods


目的 建立不同来源鸡血藤超微粉的高效液相色谱(HPLC)指纹图谱,并结合多模式化学计量学分析评价其质量.方法 采用Amethyst C18-H色谱柱(4.6mm×250 mm,5 μm),以0.1%磷酸溶液(A)-乙腈(B)为流动相进行梯度洗脱,流速为1.0mL/min,检测波长260 nm,柱温为30 ℃.并运用聚类分析、偏最小二乘法-判别分析和主成分分析对鸡血藤指纹图谱进行模式识别研究.结果 10批次鸡血藤超微粉共标定13个共有峰,经对照品比对指认了 3种成分,指纹图谱相似度范围为0.921~0.989,具有良好的相似性.聚类分析将样品分为3类,主成分分析用4个主成分进行评价,综合得分显示,S6、S1、S2、S3等产地的鸡血藤超微粉样品质量较好.偏最小二乘法-判别分析筛选了不同产地鸡血藤超微粉的4个质量差异标志物,分别为表儿茶素、色谱峰1、色谱峰6及色谱峰4.结论 所建立的指纹图谱方法简便、重复性好,结合多模式化学计量学分析可用于评价鸡血藤超微粉的质量.

Objective To evaluate the quality of ultrafine powder of Spatholobus suberectus from different sources by combined HPLC fingerprint and chemical pattern recognition.Methods Separation was performed on a Amethyst C18-H column(4.6 mmx250 mm,5 pm)and the mobile phase was 0.1%phosphoric acid-acetonitrile with gradient elution.The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min and the wavelength was 260 nm.The column temperature was 30 ℃.The cluster analysis(CA),least partial squares-discriminant analysis(PLS-DA)and principal component analysis(PCA)were applied to studying the HPLC fingerprint and chemical pattern recognition.Results Thirteen common peaks were identified in ultrafine powder samples of 10 batches of Spatholobus suberectus and 3 components were identified by reference substances.The similarity of fingerprint was 0.921-0.989,indicating good similarity.The samples were divided into 3 groups by cluster analysis;principal component analysis results extracted 4 principal components.According to the composite score,the quality of ultrafine powder samples of Spatholobus suberectus from S6,S1,S2,S3 were better than others.And 4 kinds of marker compounds that caused the quality difference of ultrafine powder samples of Spatholobus suberectu were screened out through the least partial squares-discriminant analysis,which were epicatechin and peaks 1,6 and 4 respectively.Conclusion The fingerprint method is simple and reproducible,and can be used to evaluate the quality of ultrafine powder samples of Spatholobus suberectus in combination with multi-mode stoichiometric analysis.


河南中医药大学第五临床医学院/郑州人民医院,郑州 450003河南中医药大学第五临床医学院/郑州人民医院,郑州 450003河南中医药大学第五临床医学院/郑州人民医院,郑州 450003河南中医药大学第五临床医学院/郑州人民医院,郑州 450003河南中医药大学第五临床医学院/郑州人民医院,郑州 450003河南省人民医院,郑州 450000河南中医药大学,郑州 450046



Spatholobus suberectusultrafine powderfingerprintcluster analysisprincipal component analysisleast partial squares-discriminant analysis

《军事医学》 2024 (11)



