

Changes of hemodynamics in different multi-entry type B aortic dissection models based on ex-vivo porcine aorta


背景 目前缺乏从血流动力学角度分析主动脉内膜破口数量对 B型主动脉夹层(type B aortic dissection,TBAD)影响的研究.目的 通过构建两破口和三破口的离体猪TBAD模型,分析不同数量破口对TBAD进展的影响.方法 获取成年猪主动脉,处理后使内膜外露,使用特殊刮板分离内膜和中膜形成夹层,控制夹层长度为 20 cm,用手术刀在内膜制造不同破口,再次将动脉内外膜位置反转,以此分别构建两破口和三破口TBAD模型.两破口模型为A组:A1两破口直径相同,A2近端破口直径较小,A3远端破口直径较小;三破口模型为B组:B1三个破口直径相同,B2中间破口直径较小,B3支架封堵近端第一破口.模拟循环通路(mock circulation loop,MCL)是由控制系统、脉冲泵、单向阀、储液罐等组成来模仿人体循环的通路.用 40%甘油水溶液模拟血液,同时模拟心率为 60/min,尼龙颗粒作为超声造影剂.将构建完成的模型与MCL相结合,就可以模拟真实TBAD患者的血流状态.通过多普勒超声测量各破口处的血流动力学参数,得到血流方向改变时间(reflux time,RT)和时间流速积分(velocity-time integral,VTI),描述TBAD破口的血流变化.结果 A1 组中,近端破口的血液先流入假腔后流出,以流入为主(VTI:19.39±5.88 vs 9.89±3.41,P=0.013),对于远端破口血液先流出后流入,以流出为主(VTI:22.61±11.81 vs 7.67±3.26,P=0.024).A2组减小近端破口直径,发现其VTI比值(破口血流方向发生改变后的VTI与整个周期VTI的比值)减小(33.70%±4.22%vs 51.00%±4.80%,P=0.046),远端破口VTI比值无统计学差异.A3组减小远端破口直径,发现其VTI比值减小(30.10%±7.75%vs 15.30%±3.19%,P=0.045),且血流变化时间RT变长[(0.54±0.08)s vs(0.71±0.01)s,P=0.023].B1组发现,在收缩期血液会通过中间破口从真腔流入假腔,在舒张期血液从假腔流入真腔,其中从假腔流入真腔的血流量占整个心动周期的 64.19%±5.30%.近端破口流入假腔的血流量与从中间和远端破口流出假腔的血流量无统计学差异(VTI:22.68±6.76 vs 22.89±7.69,P=0.800).B2组减小中间破口直径,其VTI比值增加(36.39%±5.84%vs 87.00%±5.66%,P<0.001),RT反流时间减少[(0.27±0.06)s vs(0.21±0.04)s,P=0.341].B3组中放置支架封堵近端第一破口后,中间破口VTI比值减小(36.39%±5.84%vs 16.61%±0.86%,P=0.004).结论 破口数量、直径以及置入支架与否均会影响多破口TBAD不同破口的血流方向和血流量等参数,导致其对夹层进展的影响不同,临床上应针对不同破口的血流特点来制定治疗策略,以达到更好的预后.

Background The number of entry tears impacts the development and prognosis of type B aortic dissection(TBAD).Objective To analyze the influence of different entry tears on the occurrence and progression of TBAD by constructing and comparing flow parameters at each entry in two-entry and three-entry porcine TBAD models,thereby illustrating changes in blood flow direction and volume.Methods Adult porcine aortas were acquired and processed to expose the intima.A special scraper was used to separate the intima and media to create a dissection,with the length of the dissection controlled at 20cm.Subsequently,surgical knives were used to create different tears in the intima.The artery was then flipped again to construct models of TBAD with either two or three entry tears.Among them,the two-entry models were categorized as group A:A1 with two entry tears of the same diameter,A2 with a smaller proximal entry tear,A3 with a smaller distal entry tear;the three-entry models were categorized as group B:B1 with three entry tears of the same size,B2 with a smaller middle entry tear,B3 with the first proximal entry tear sealed by a stent graft.The mock circulation loop(MCL)consisted of a control system,pulsatile pump,one-way valves,and a reservoir tank to mimic the human circulatory system.A 40%glycerol water solution was used to simulate blood,with a simulated heart rate of 60 bpm,and nylon particles served as ultrasound contrast agents.By integrating the completed model with the MCL,it was possible to simulate the blood flow condition of real TBAD patients.The hemodynamic parameters at each breach were measured by Doppler ultrasound,and the blood flow direction change time(RT)and velocity time integral(VTI)were obtained to describe the blood flow changes of TBAD breach.Results In group A1,the blood from the proximal breach flowed into the false lumen first and then flowed out,mainly presented as inflow(VTI:19.39±5.88 vs 9.89±3.41,P=0.013),and for the distal breach,the blood flowed out first and then flowed in,mainly presented as outflow(VTI:22.61±11.81 vs 7.67±3.26,P=0.024).In group A2,the diameter of the proximal breach was reduced,and the VTI rate(the ratio of VTI after the change of direction of blood flow in the breach to VTI in the whole cycle)was decreased(33.70%±4.22%vs 51.00%±4.80%,P=0.046),and there was no statistical difference in the distal breach VTI rate.In group A3,the distal breach diameter was reduced,and the VTI rate was reduced(30.10%±7.75%vs 15.30%±3.19%,P=0.045),and the blood flow change time RT was longer([0.54±0.08]s vs[0.71±0.01]s,P=0.023).In group B1,we found that blood would flow from the true lumen to the false lumen through the middle breach in systole,and from the false lumen to the true lumen in diastole.The blood flow from the false lumen to the true lumen accounted for 64.19%±5.30%of the whole cardiac cycle.There was no significant difference between the blood flow from the proximal breach into the false lumen and the blood flow from the middle and distal breach out of the false lumen(VTI:22.68±6.76 vs 22.89±7.69,P=0.800).In group B2,the diameter of the middle breach decreased,the VTI rate increased(36.39%±5.84%vs 87.00%±5.66%,P<0.001),and the RT reflux time decreased([0.27±0.06]s vs[0.21±0.04]s,P=0.341).In group B3,the VTI rate of the middle breach decreased(36.39%±5.84%vs 16.61%±0.86%,P=0.004)after the stent was placed to block the proximal first breach.Conclusion The number and diameter of the breach and whether the stent is placed or not will affect the blood flow direction and blood flow parameters of different breaches in multi breach TBAD,resulting in different effects on the progression of dissection.In clinical practice,treatment strategies should be formulated according to the blood flow characteristics of different breaches,so as to achieve better prognosis.


解放军总医院第一医学中心血管外科,北京 100853解放军总医院第一医学中心血管外科,北京 100853||北京大学人民医院急诊外科,北京 100044解放军总医院第一医学中心血管外科,北京 100853解放军总医院第一医学中心血管外科,北京 100853解放军总医院第一医学中心血管外科,北京 100853



type B aortic dissectionextracorporeal modelsimulation circulatory loopentry tearhemodynamics

《解放军医学院学报》 2024 (9)



