

Accurate identification of Larimichthys croceagenetic resources based on"NingXin III"chip and machine learning method


为了高效保护、管理以及利用大黄鱼种质资源,迫切需要开发精准的大黄鱼遗传种质鉴定技术.基于前期开发的大黄鱼"宁芯 3 号"55K液相基因分型芯片,本研究对中国沿海野生群体、闽浙养殖群体和多个选育系共计 21 个大黄鱼群体进行遗传种质鉴定.群体遗传学分析结果揭示大黄鱼群体可划分为南海群体、闽东群体和岱衢群体,其中南海群体遗传分化最为显著.基于机器学习的大黄鱼群体分类结果显示,未知大黄鱼个体所属地理群体鉴定准确率大于99%.未知大黄鱼个体所属遗传改良选育系也具有极高的鉴定准确率,例如经过 3 代选育的抗刺激隐核虫新品系GS3F3,基于神经网络的鉴定精确率可以达到99%.研究表明,利用"宁芯 3 号"芯片和机器学习方法可快速实现大黄鱼种质的精准鉴定.本研究为大黄鱼种质资源精准鉴定和种质管理、育种材料和新品种知识产权保护等提供了有效的工具和解决方案,也可为其他水产生物种质资源鉴定提供借鉴.

Larimichthys crocea is an important commercial fish in China,with an annual production of more than 250,000 tons in recent years.L.crocea is extremely rich in genetic resources,which consisted of wild populations distributed in natural sea areas and breeding lines obtained through decades of selection breeding.There is an urgent need to develop an accurate genetic identification method to distinguish different germplasm of L.crocea to efficiently protect,manage and utilize L.crocea genetic resources.However,the lack of high-throughput genotyp-ing tools for L.crocea and the lack of representative samples of geographical populations have made accurate identifiing genetic resources difficult.Based on the previously developed 55K liquid SNP array("Ningxin III")for L.crocea,the present study aims to carry out genetic identification for 21 L.crocea populations,including wild populations in coastal China,cultured populations in Fujian and Zhejiang,and multiple breeding lines.The results of population genetic analysis revealed that the L.crocea population could be divided into Nanhai,Mindong and Daiqu populations,among which the genetic differentiation of the Nanhai population was the most significant.The classification results of large yellow croaker populations based on machine learning methods showed that the iden-tification accuracy rate of the geographical group to which unknown L.crocea individuals belong was more than 99%.The breeding lines to which unknown L.crocea individuals belong also had a very high identification accur-acy rate.For example,after three generations of genetic selection,a new strain(GS3F3)that had strong resistance against Cryptocaryon irritans had an identification accuracy rate of 99%based on the neural network method.The present research showed that"Ningxin III"chip and machine learning methods could be used to implement quick and accurate genetic identification for L.crocea.The present study provided an effective tool for accurately identi-fying and managing the genetic resources of L.crocea,intellectual property protection for breeding materials and lines.Also,it provided a reference for the genetic identification of other aquatic organisms.In the future,it is necessary to establish a complete database covering all L.crocea germplasm resources and genetic identification standards,and develop a supporting visual computer program to perform identification work.


厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101||厦门大学环境与生态学院,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室,福建厦门 361101厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101||厦门大学环境与生态学院,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室,福建厦门 361101厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101||厦门大学环境与生态学院,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室,福建厦门 361101厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101宁波市海洋与渔业研究院,浙江宁波 315048中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090厦门大学海洋与地球学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361101宁波市海洋与渔业研究院,浙江宁波 315048



Larimichthys crocea"Ningxin III"chipgermplasm identificationmachine learning

《水产学报》 2024 (12)


国家重点研发计划(2022YFD2401002)国家杰出青年科学基金(32225049)福建省种业创新与产业化项目(2021FJSCZY01) National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD2401002)National Sci-ence Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(32225049)Seed Industry Innovation and Industrialization Project of Fujian Province(2021FJSCZY01)

