

Hydrodynamics of PET net panels using the Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation


为进一步揭示海上养殖设施中常见的聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)网衣水动力特性规律,本实验采用改进的延迟分离涡模拟(IDDES)方法研究其流场分布规律和水动力系数,并进一步分析来流速度、来流攻角和密实度对网片水动力特性的影响.基于经典圆柱绕流算例,湍流模型和数值解法的精度得以验证.结果显示,19 个网目的速度场和水动力系数规律和大规格网衣相似;网片阻力系数随来流速度增大逐渐减小,目脚翼展两侧的局部加速效应减弱,后方尾流得到充分发展;网片阻力系数随密实度的增大缓慢增加,目脚翼展两侧的局部加速效应和尾流交互作用增强.当密实度为 0.230 时,目脚尾流在下游汇聚成一个较大的低流速区域;阻力系数随网片逐渐垂直于来流方向不断增大,升力系数呈先增大后减小的趋势,目脚后方尾流衰减的区域和目脚间局部流场的交互作用不断增强.当攻角为 90°时,目脚间局部流场的交互作用最强,目脚翼展两侧的局部加速效果最显著.研究表明,密实度和攻角对PET网衣流场分布规律和水动力系数具有显著影响.本研究阐明了PET网衣周围速度场特性和水动力系数,为进一步分析养殖设施内外的水体交换奠定基础.

This study employs the Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation(IDDES)method to explore the flow field distributions and hydrodynamic coefficients to further enhance the understanding of the hydrodynamic characteristics of polyethylene terephthalate(PET)nets commonly used in offshore aquaculture facilities.The study examined the effects of inflow velocity,angle of attack,and net solidity on the hydrodynamic behavior of the net panels.Capitalized on a typical case of flowing past a circular cylinder,the accuracies of the turbulence model and the solver were successfully substantiated.The results presented that the velocity fields and hydrodynamic coefficients of the 19 net-mesh panels were close to the full-scale nets.The drag coefficients gradually declined as the increase of inflow velocities.The local flow acceleration effected on both spanwise directions of twines dimin-ish,while the downstream wake gets fully developed.Furthermore,the drag coefficients of nets present a gradual increasing tendency with net solidities,the local flow acceleration effected on both spanwise directions of twines,and the wake interactions were enhanced.The downstream streamlines converged to form a considerable region with low velocities for the case of the solidity 0.230.The drag coefficients continuously increased as the panels became more perpendicular to the flow direction,while the lift coefficients were inclined to rise initially and then decreased.The more considerable velocity reductions in addition to low flow interactions among twines were also observed.The effects of local interactions of flow fields among twines,along with the flow acceleration on both spanwise directions of twines,were the most dominant especially in the case of angle of attack 90°.This study demonstrated that both solidity and angle of attack significantly influenced the flow field distribution and hydro-dynamic coefficients of PET nets.This numerical study has clarified the velocity fields and hydrodynamic coeffi-cients around PET nets,providing the solid foundation for further analysis of the flow exchange across aquacul-ture structures.


浙江海洋大学,国家海洋设施养殖工程技术研究中心,浙江舟山 316022中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东青岛 266071中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东青岛 266071||大连海洋大学航海与船舶工程学院,辽宁大连 116023浙江海洋大学,国家海洋设施养殖工程技术研究中心,浙江舟山 316022浙江海洋大学水产学院,浙江舟山 316022浙江海洋大学,国家海洋设施养殖工程技术研究中心,浙江舟山 316022



PET netsImproved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation(IDDES)flow fieldswake effectshydro-dynamic coefficients

《水产学报》 2024 (12)


国家自然科学基金(32303072,32002441)青岛市自然科学基金(3-21-45-zyyd-jch)中国博士后科学基金(2022M723503)第九届青托工程项目(2023QNRC001)现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-47-22)浙江省"尖兵""领雁"研发攻关计划项目(2023C02029) National Natural Science Foundation of China(32303072,32002441)Qingdao Natural Sci-ence Foundation(3-21-45-zyyd-jch)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2022M723503)Young Elite Scient-ists Sponsorship Program by CAST(2023QNRC001)China Agriculture Research System(CARS-47-22)"Pion-eer"and"Leading Goose"R&D Program of Zhejiang(2023C02029)

