

Construction and optimization of traditional Chinese medicine constitution prediction models based on deep learning


目的 为满足个性化健康服务需求,从深度学习角度挖掘中医体质数据特征并构建模型以探索预测新方法.方法 收集并整理 2020年 1 月 21日至 2022 年 4月 6 日期间成都中医药大学学生按二十四节气划分的数据.这些数据用于识别 9种中医体质,包括平和质、气虚质、阳虚质、阴虚质、痰湿质、湿热质、血瘀质、气郁质和特禀质.利用深度学习算法,构建多层感知机(MLP)、长短期记忆网络(LSTM)和深度置信网络(DBN)中医体质预测模型.同时本文引入注意力机制(AM)、灰狼优化算法(GWO)和粒子群优化算法(PSO)对以上 3种模型进行优化.利用精确率、准确率、召回率和F1分数评估优化前后的模型性能.结果 该研究共分析了 31 655 份数据.(1)优化前:MLP模型除平和质和气虚质外的预测准确率均达 90%以上;LSTM模型预测准确率均达到 60%以上,表明其在中医体质预测任务中的潜力可能因数据缺乏显著时序特征而未被充分挖掘;DBN模型在处理二分类问题时,除在气虚质和湿热质的体质预测上稍显逊色,预测准确率分别为 65%和 60%,其余体质的预测准确率和模型受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC)分别达到 70%以上和 0.78以上,表明模型具有一定的体质区分能力,但其在特定体质的特征处理上存在局限,模型性能仍有提升空间;处理多分类问题时,DBN模型的预测准确率不足 50%.(2)优化后:经AM优化后的 LSTM模型预测准确率达 75%以上,但气虚质、血瘀质和气郁质除外;DBN模型处理多分类问题时,分别引入GWO和PSO算法优化后的模型,前者预测准确率较优化前增至 56%,后者预测准确率较优化前降至 37%.结合以上两种算法优化后的 GWO-PSO-DBN 模型预测准确率较优化前增至54%.结论 本研究构建了MLP、LSTM和DBN模型来预测中医体质,并基于不同的优化算法对其进行了改进.结果 表明,MLP模型具有较好的预测效果,LSTM和DBN模型预测效果较好,但存在一定的局限性.本研究为中医体质预测模型的建立和优化策略提供了新技术参考,为中医治未病提供了新思路.

Objective To cater to the demands for personalized health services from a deep learning per-spective by investigating the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)constitu-tion data and constructing models to explore new prediction methods. Methods Data from students at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine were collected and organized according to the 24 solar terms from January 21,2020,to April 6,2022.The data were used to identify nine TCM constitutions,including balanced constitution,Qi deficiency constitution,Yang deficiency constitution,Yin deficiency constitution,phlegm dampness constitution,damp heat constitution,stagnant blood constitution,Qi stagnation constitution,and specific-inherited predisposition constitution.Deep learning algorithms were employed to construct multi-layer perceptron(MLP),long short-term memory(LSTM),and deep belief network(DBN)models for the prediction of TCM constitutions based on the nine constitution types.To optimize these TCM constitution prediction models,this study in-troduced the attention mechanism(AM),grey wolf optimizer(GWO),and particle swarm op-timization(PSO).The models'performance was evaluated before and after optimization us-ing the F1-score,accuracy,precision,and recall. Results The research analyzed a total of 31 655 pieces of data.(ⅰ)Before optimization,the MLP model achieved more than 90%prediction accuracy for all constitution types except the balanced and Qi deficiency constitutions.The LSTM model's prediction accuracies exceeded 60%,indicating that their potential in TCM constitutional prediction may not have been fully realized due to the absence of pronounced temporal features in the data.Regarding the DBN model,the binary classification analysis showed that,apart from slightly underperforming in predicting the Qi deficiency constitution and damp heat constitution,with accuracies of 65%and 60%,respectively.The DBN model demonstrated considerable discriminative power for other constitution types,achieving prediction accuracy rates and area under the receiver op-erating characteristic(ROC)curve(AUC)values exceeding 70%and 0.78,respectively.This indicates that while the model possesses a certain level of constitutional differentiation abili-ty,it encounters limitations in processing specific constitutional features,leaving room for further improvement in its performance.For multi-class classification problem,the DBN model's prediction accuracy rate fell short of 50%.(ⅱ)After optimization,the LSTM model,enhanced with the AM,typically achieved a prediction accuracy rate above 75%,with lower performance for the Qi deficiency constitution,stagnant blood constitution,and Qi stagna-tion constitution.The GWO-optimized DBN model for multi-class classification showed an increased prediction accuracy rate of 56%,while the PSO-optimized model had a decreased accuracy rate to 37%.The GWO-PSO-DBN model,optimized with both algorithms,demon-strated an improved prediction accuracy rate of 54%. Conclusion This study constructed MLP,LSTM,and DBN models for predicting TCM consti-tution and improved them based on different optimisation algorithms.The results showed that the MLP model performs well,the LSTM and DBN models were effective in prediction but with certain limitations.This study also provided a new technology reference for the es-tablishment and optimisation strategies of TCM constitution prediction models,and a novel idea for the treatment of non-disease.


成都中医药大学智能医学学院,四川 成都 611137,中国成都中医药大学智能医学学院,四川 成都 611137,中国成都中医药大学智能医学学院,四川 成都 611137,中国成都中医药大学智能医学学院,四川 成都 611137,中国


Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)constitutionDeep learningConstitution classificationPrediction modelOptimization research

《数字中医药(英文)》 2024 (3)


National Natural Science Foundation of China(81904324),and Sichuan Science and Technology De-partment Project(2022YFS0194).

