

Agricultural New-quality Productivity,Digital Transformation and Common Prosperity of Farmers and Rural Areas



The agricultural new-quality productivity can innovate the agricultural industrial organization model,greatly im-prove the efficiency and quality of agricultural production,and promote the inclusive growth of rural economy,which has important practical significance for promoting the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas.Based on the panel data of 286 cities at the prefecture level and above in China from 2012 to 2022,this paper empirically analyzes the impact and mechanism of agricultural new-quality productivity on the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas,and discusses the moderating effect of digital trans-formation.The results are shown as follows:The development of agricultural new quality productivity is conducive to promoting the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas,and this promoting effect can be achieved by narrowing the income gap between ur-ban and rural areas.Digital transformation can play a positive regulating role in the process of agricultural new-quality productivi-ty promoting the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas.In addition,heterogeneity test results show that in megacities and high-income cities,agricultural new-quality productivity has a more significant positive enabling effect on the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas.


中国矿业大学 公共管理学院,江苏 徐州 221008||中共甘肃省委党校(甘肃行政学院)民族宗教教研部,兰州 730010



agricultural new-quality productivitycommon prosperity of farmers and rural areasurban-rural income gapdigital transformation

《统计与决策》 2024 (023)

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