

The Preventive Effect of PEG Treatment on Thermal Dormancy of Pyrus ussuriensis Seeds


为探究PEG引发和渗透调节处理对山梨种子发芽指标和内源激素含量的影响,以解除初生休眠的山梨种子为实验材料,采用不同质量分数(5%、25%、50%)PEG溶液引发处理不同时间(0.5、1、2d)或渗透处理不同时间(1、3、7d)后,测定不同引发或渗透处理后的山梨种子在高温(25 ℃)下的萌发表现,并选择效果显著的处理测定种子内源激素变化.结果表明:25%PEG引发和渗透处理1 d均能够很好地减弱山梨种子热休眠的诱导,达到预防的效果.PEG引发处理减弱种子热休眠的效果好于渗透处理采用质量分数25%的PEG溶液引发处理1 d时,种子发芽率较CK提高57%,发芽指数提高0.65,平均发芽时间缩短7.88 d.引发处理通过增加萌发早期种子内源乙烯和GA3含量、减少ABA含量来预防山梨种子进入热休眠.

To investigate the effects of PEG priming and osmotic treatment on the induction of the germina-tion indicators and endogenous hormone content of Pyrus ussuriensis seeds,the primary dormancy released seeds of P.ussuriensis was used as experimental materials,the germination performance of P.ussuriensis seeds treated with different mass fractions(5%,25%,50%)of polyethylene glycol(PEG)solution for different durations(0.5,1,2 d)or osmotic treatment for different durations(l,3,7 d)at high temperature(25 ℃)was studied then select treat-ments with significant effects to measure changes in endogenous hormones in seeds.The results showed that both 25%PEG priming and osmotic treatment for 1 day could effectively weaken the induction of thermal dormancy in P.ussuriensis,achieving a preventive effect.The effect of PEG priming treatment on reducing seed thermal dormancy is better than that of osmotic treatment.When treated with 25%PEG solution for 1 day,the germina-tion rate of seeds was increased by 57%,the germination index was increased by 0.65,and the average germina-tion time was shortened by 7.88 d.PEG priming can prevent P.ussuriensis seeds from entering thermal dormancy by increasing the endogenous ETH and GA3 content in the early germination stage and reducing ABA content.


东北林业大学林学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学林学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学林学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学林学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040



Pyrus ussuriensisseed primingthermal dormancyosmotic treatmentendogenous hormones

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (11)



