Study on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Characteristics of Rhodoleia championii from Different Provenances
Using Rhodoleia championii seeds from 4 different provenances:Haikou,Nanchang,Jiuwanshan,Ganzhou as materials,the size,vitality,germination characteristics,seedling growth characteristics and the correl-ation between the seeds and the geographical climate of the provenances were measured and analyzed to explore the differences and variation rules of the seed morphology and germination rate of different provenances.The res-ults showed that the length,width and thousand-grain mass of the seeds from Ganzhou were significantly higher than those from other provenances.The seed vigor and germination rate of the seeds from Ganzhou,Jiuwanshan and Nanchang were 98%and 86.35%respectively,which were significantly higher than those from Haikou,Hain-an.The germination seedlings from Jiuwanshan of Guangxi Province had strong growth,the number of leaves and the ratio of root to shoot were significantly higher than those from other provenances.The seedling biomass from Ganzhou,Jiangxi Province was the highest,while the seedling germination from Haikou,Hainan Province was weaker and larger in height.The R.championii seed vigor was positively correlated with parent age and latitude(north latitude),and negatively correlated with seed thickness and temperature.Germination rate was positively correlated with seed vigor,mother tree age and north latitude,and negatively correlated with temperature.Seed-ling fresh quality was negatively correlated with seed length and width and annual precipitation,and positively correlated with seed thickness,thousand-grain mass and leaf number.According to the comprehensive score of principal component analysis,the seed source germination and seedling growth performance of R.championii in Ganzhou of Jiangxi and Jiuwanshan of Guangxi were better,which was conducive to introduction and breeding.
江西农业大学园林与艺术学院,江西南昌 330045江西农业大学园林与艺术学院,江西南昌 330045江西农业大学园林与艺术学院,江西南昌 330045江西农业大学园林与艺术学院,江西南昌 330045江西农业大学园林与艺术学院,江西南昌 330045江西农业大学园林与艺术学院,江西南昌 330045江西农业大学园林与艺术学院,江西南昌 330045海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院),海南海口 57110
Rhodoleia championiidifferent provenancesseedgerminationseedling phenotypic traitgeo-climatic factorclimatic factor
《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (11)