The Theoretical Logic and Implementation Path of Digital Industrialization
Digital industrialization is the core foundation of the digital economy,exerting profound impacts on both the economy and society.This paper first reviews the concepts and measurement methods of digital industrialization and explores its logical development path.Technological innovation and application have transformed the structure and distribution of data,information,and knowledge,leading to the creation of dis-tinctive products and services,which in turn foster the formation of digital industrial chains and clusters.Mo-reover,digital industrialization integrates with traditional industries,driving their transformation and upgra-ding.The emergence of new quality productive forces presents significant opportunities for the qualitative transformation of digital industrialization.Building on this foundation,the paper proposes implementation paths for advancing digital industrialization:leading the development of digital infrastructure through"new in-frastructure"initiatives,strengthening core technology research and development through original and disrup-tive technologies,unlocking the potential of data resources through market-oriented reforms in data ele-ments,ensuring a steady supply of digital talent through an improved talent cultivation and recruitment sys-tem,fostering digital industrial clusters led by strategic emerging industries,promoting the deep integration of digital industrialization with the real economy through the digital transformation of traditional industries,and unleashing new momentum for digital industrialization by constructing a comprehensive digital industrial ecosystem.This study offers insights into deepening the understanding of digital industrialization and advan-cing reforms in this critical field.
Digital industrializationNew quality productive forcesIndustrial transformationDigital e-conomyIntegration of the digital economy and the real economy
《信息资源管理学报》 2024 (6)
本文系国家社会科学基金"加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系"研究专项项目"新时代中国特色图情学基本理论问题研究"(19VXK09)的研究成果.(This paper was supported by the National So-cial Science Foundations special project"Research on Basic Theoretical Issues of Library and Information Science with Chi-nese Characteristics in the New Era"(19VXK09)on"Accelerating the Construction of Disciplinary,Academic,and Dis-course Systems of Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Characteristics".)