Measuring the Academic Value of Scientific Papers by Integrating Innovation and Recognition—A Case Study in the Field of Artificial Intelligence
论文全文本及引用关系传递了大量的学术信息,有助于表征学术价值的内涵和提高价值评估的精度.本研究基于价值认识论,融合基于论文自身的事实性认识和基于外部引用的应然性认识,选取1990-2021年Web of Science数据库中人工智能领域论文为实验数据,构建学术价值的新评价指标.研究提出的学术价值评价指标综合考虑了以创新性为代表的内部创新价值以及基于引用情感、引用强度和引用相似性的外部认可价值,通过与传统计量指标比较发现,内部创新价值与被引次数和被提及次数都不相关;外部认可价值与被提及次数正相关,但与被引次数无显著相关;而学术价值同提及次数、内部创新价值、外部认可价值都呈正相关.结果表明,基于被引次数的影响力指标存在滞后性且不足以反映论文创新性,相对于被引次数,融合引用偏好的被提及次数在测度外部认可价值上略有进步,而本研究提出的学术价值测度方法在融合论文内外部价值及反映综合学术价值上具有一定优势.
The full text of papers and their citation relationships convey a significant amount of academic information,which helps characterize the connotation of academic value and improve the precision of value assessment.This study builds a new evaluation index of academic value based on the epistemology of value,integrating the factual knowledge based on the papers themselves with the contingent knowledge based on external citations,and selecting papers in the field of artificial intelligence from the Web of Science database from 1990 to 2021 as the experimental data.Compared with traditional metrics,the academic value meas-urement proposed in this study comprehensively considers the value of internal innovation(represented by in-novativeness),external recognition value(based on citation sentiment,citation intensity,and citation simi-larity).The results showed that:(1)value of internal innovation was not correlated with either the number of citations or the number of mentions;(2)value of external recognition was positively correlated with the num-ber of mentions but not significantly correlated with the number of citations;(3)and academic value was pos-itively correlated with the number of mentions,value of internal innovation,and value of external recognition,although value of external recognition was not significantly correlated with value of internal innovation.The results revealed that the impact indicator based on the number of citations has a lag and is insufficient to re-flect the paper's innovation.Compared to citation counts,the number of mentions,incorporating citation preference,shows slight improvement in measuring value of external recognition.The academic value meas-ure proposed in this study has certain advantages in integrating the internal and external values of the paper and reflecting comprehensive academic value.
Academic valueValue of internal innovationValue of external recognitionEvaluation indi-catorsScientific evaluation
《信息资源管理学报》 2024 (6)
本文系国家社会科学基金项目"面向代表作评价的科研论文学术价值测度研究"(21CTQ017)的研究成果之一.(This is an outcome of the project"Research on Measuring the Academic Value of Scientific Research Papers for Representative Work Evaluation"(21CTQ017)supported by the National Foundation for Social Sciences.)