

Research on Theoretical Framework of Breakthrough Paper Identification Based on Citation Perspective



No consensus has been reached on the characteristics of breakthrough papers and the theoreti-cal models for their identification.The content analysis method is adopted to analyze the similarities and differences between the characteristics of breakthrough papers and breakthrough research.A conceptual model of breakthrough paper identification is constructed from citation perspective and reflects the impact of breakthrough paper on the citation network and mainstream theories.On this basis,a breakthrough paper generation model is proposed.The influence of knowledge recombination on the originality of breakthrough papers is discussed from backward citation perspective.On the other hand,a breakthrough paper diffusion model is proposed to sort out the different paths of scientific impact cross-domain diffusion of breakthrough papers from forward citation perspective.It is found that breakthrough papers may not necessarily have all the characteristics of breakthrough research.The core characteristics consist of a huge influence on scientific research,challenging mainstream theories and interdisciplinary.The study defines the core characteristics of breakthrough papers.The conceptual model,generation model and diffusion model of breakthrough papers identification are constructed to provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent breakthrough paper identifica-tion research.




Breakthrough paperConceptual modelGeneration modelDiffusion modelCitation per-spective

《信息资源管理学报》 2024 (6)


本文系国家自然科学基金面上项目"生物医学领域潜在颠覆性技术识别方法"(72074020)以及国家自然科学基金青年项目"多源异质网络视角下产学研合作产生机理及潜在机会发现研究"(72004009)研究成果之一.(This work is supported by the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China titled"Identification of Potentially Disruptive Technologies in Biomedicine"(72074020)and the Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China"Research on University-industry Collaboration Causing Mechanism and Potential Cooperative Opportunity Discovery in Multi-source Heterogeneous Networks"(72004009))

