

A Study on the Impact of Team Diversity on the Innovation Diffusion of Papers in the Field of Artificial Intelligence from Causal Inference Perspective



We divided innovation diffusion in AI into two situations:whether adopted(in ten years)and continuous adoption(rapid growth period,slow growth period,and adoption saturation period)from the per-spective of citation.Then,we explored the causal effects of team diversity on innovation diffusion at different stages by analyzing approximately 1.7 million AI co-authored papers using causal inference methods.We discovered that:①the national diversity of co-author teams has positive causal effect on both whether adopted and adoption and continuous adoption.It would increase the likelihood of adoption by 7.041%to 9.818%over ten years and increase the continuous adoption by 8.082%to 16.834%.②the team diversity across disciplines and topics has a positive causal effect on adoption and it would increase the likelihood of adoption by 3.651%to 4.697%,and by 3.052%to 5.095%over ten years,respectively.③ the team diversity across affiliation has posi-tive causal effect on continuous adoption and it would increase the continuous adoption by 13.506%to 18.679%.




Team diversityArtificial intelligenceCausal inferenceKnowledge diffusionContinuous adoption

《信息资源管理学报》 2024 (6)


本文系国家自然科学基金青年项目"基于深度语义理解的生物医学论文临床转化分析研究"(72204090)和中央高校基本科研业务费(2024WKYXQN004)资助的研究成果之一.(This work was supported by National Natural Sci-ence Foundation of China"Analysis of Clinical Translation of Biomedical Papers Based on Deep Semantic Understanding"(72204090)and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2024WKYXQN004).)

