

A Study on the Standardization of WeChat Mention Metrics Based on Relative Citation Methods


替代计量指标的标准化研究是指标应用于科技评价的重要前置研究.本研究面向中国自主知识体系建设,以中文学术论文的微信提及数据为研究对象,结合相对引用的标准化方法,融入传播影响力因素,构建微信提及指标的标准化指标,为中文替代计量数据源的开发、深化、应用提供相关参考和依据.研究主要结论为:①通过消除微信提及指标存在的时间差异、学科差异、高度稀疏性和偏态分布问题,微信提及的相关标准化指标可考虑应用于学术评价和社会影响力评价.②WI(WeChat Index)期刊集当中,被微信提及学术论文总数前三名的学科为哲学与人文科学、工程科技Ⅱ辑、农业科技.③本文基于微信提及频次构建的标准化指标 WPP/FWSm和MN-WS之间差异度较小,可用于单篇论文和期刊层面的微信关注度评价,但不适用于高校评价,易受到微信提及量分布特征的影响.④融入微信传播影响力指数的标准化指标WCPP/FWSm和MN-WC能更好地平衡微信传播影响力和微信提及量的影响,且具有较好的稳健性好,是较有价值的标准化指标,可用于评价单篇论文、期刊、高校的微信关注度,在评价高校学术论文微信关注度和传播力时效果更好.

The standardization of altmetrics indicators is a crucial requirement for their application in sci-entific evaluation.This study targets the construction of a Chinese indigenous knowledge system,which focu-ses on WeChat mention data from Chinese academic papers.We used standardization methods based on rel-ative citation methods and incorporated the WeChat Communication Index to establish standardized metrics for WeChat mentions.This research aims to provide relevant references and foundations for the develop-ment,deepening,and application of Chinese altmetrics data sources.Key findings include:(1)By elimina-ting time differences,disciplinary variations,high sparsity,and skewed distributions in WeChat mention metrics,the standardized indicators for WeChat mentions can be considered for application in academic e-valuation and social impact assessment.(2)Within the WI(WeChat Index)journal set,philosophy and hu-manities,engineering Ⅱ,and agricultural engineering are the top three disciplines with the highest number of WeChat mentions of academic papers.(3)WPP/FWSm and MNWS,metrics based on WeChat mention fre-quency,show minimal differences.These two indexes are suitable for evaluating WeChat attention at the level of individual papers and journals but are unsuitable for evaluating universities due to their influence by the distribution characteristics of WeChat mentions.(4)Standardized metrics,WCPP/FWSm and MNWC,incorporating WeChat influence indices,show a better balance between WeChat influence and mention vol-ume.They demonstrate robustness and prove valuable for assessing WeChat attention at the individual pa-per,journal,and university levels.They are more effective in assessing the WeChat attention and the dis-semination impact of academic papers in universities.




AltmetricsWeChat official accountAltmetrics indicatorsWeChat mentionMetric stand-ardization

《信息资源管理学报》 2024 (6)


本文系国家自然科学基金面上项目"中国替代计量的数据识别机制与关键分析方法研究"(72274227)和广东省社会科学基金项目"标准化替代计量指标的构建方案与实证研究"(GD23YTS04)的研究成果之一.(This is an outcome of the project"Study of Data Identification Mechanism and Key Analytical Methods for Chinese Altmetrics"(72274227)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and the project"Construction Method and Em-pirical Study of Normalizing Altmetric Indicators"(GD23YTS04)supported by the Social Science Foundation of Guangdong Province,China.)

