

Linking Allusion Words in Ancient Poetry from the Perspective of Knowledge Re-organization:A Method of Integrating the Fine-grained Co-citation Relationships and the Semantic Features



Guided by theories and technologies related to knowledge reorganization,this study conducts semantic mining and organization of allusion cultural resources to promote the inheritance and utilization of al-lusion culture.A model is proposed that integrates fine-grained co-reference relations and semantic features to link allusion terms.First,a co-reference network is constructed based on the citation relationships be-tween ancient poems and allusion terms,and fine-grained co-reference relations,including positional co-ref-erence and emotional co-reference,are added to build a fine-grained co-reference network.Then,Doc2vec is employed to extract the semantic features of each allusion term,and these features are integrated to re-construct the co-reference network.Finally,a link prediction algorithm is applied to traverse the fine-grained co-reference network,achieving semantic association and organization of allusion terms.The association re-sults are further analyzed from a path-based perspective,uncovering some regular patterns in domain knowl-edge.The constructed co-reference network consists of 5,869 nodes and 27,032 edges.The proposed method,which incorporates positional and emotional co-references as well as semantic features,achieves an accuracy of 0.963 in the task of linking allusion terms.Moreover,the analysis reveals that the shortest path order is negatively correlated with both the number of allusion term pairs and their similarity.




Knowledge reorganizationAllusion wordsCo-citation networkSemantic featuresLink prediction

《信息资源管理学报》 2024 (6)


本文系国家自然科学基金面上项目"关联数据驱动下我国非遗文本的语义解析与人文计算研究"(72074108)中央高校基本科研项目"面向人文计算的方志文本的语义分析和知识图谱研究"(010814370113)研究成果之一.(This article is an outcome of the project"Research on Semantic Parsing and Humanities Computing of Chinese In-tangible Cultural Heritage Text Driven by Linked Data"(72074108)supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and the project"The Semantic Analysis and Knowledge Graph Research of Local Chronicle Text Oriented to Humanis-tic Computing"(010814370113)supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.)

