Research on Prediction Model of High-Speed Milling Force Based on GWO-ELM
针对TC4钛合金、7574铝合金、AISI304不锈钢及45#钢等宇航材料在高速铣削过程中的高速铣削力预测问题,引入基于灰狼算法(GWO)改进的极限学习机(ELM)模型构建高速铣削力预测模型,利用二阶多元回归模型分析确定隐含层节点数,预测结果与BP、RBF、ELM等七种预测模型和实验结果进行比较.研究结果表明:基于GWO-ELM的高速铣削力预测模型隐含层节点数可以利用二阶多元回归模型分析确定,预测模型的准确率为98.8%、决定系数达到0.988 71优于其他预测模型,故基于GWO-ELM的高速铣削力预测模型具有可行性和准确性,该研究结果可为GWO-ELM模型隐含层节点数的确定及高速铣削力预测模型的选择提供参考与借鉴.
Aiming at the problem of high-speed milling force prediction of aerospace materials such as TC4 titanium alloy,7574 aluminum alloy,AISI304 stainless steel,and 45# steel in the process of high-speed milling,this paper introduced the grey wolf algorithm(GWO)to improve the extreme learning machine(ELM)model to build the high-speed milling force prediction model,the second-order multiple regression model was used to analyze and determine the number of hidden layer nodes,the prediction results were compared with seven prediction models and experimental results,such as BP,RBF,ELM,etc.The research results show that the number of hidden layer nodes of the high-speed milling force prediction model based on GWO-ELM can be determined by the second-order multiple regression model,the accuracy of the prediction model is 98.8%,and the determination coefficient of 0.988 71 is better than other prediction models.Therefore,the high-speed milling force prediction model based on GWO-ELM is feasible and accurate.The research results of this paper provide a reference for the determination of the number of hidden layer nodes of the GWO-ELM model and the selection of the high-speed milling force prediction model.
广东海洋大学机械与动力工程学院,湛江 524088广东海洋大学机械与动力工程学院,湛江 524088广东海洋大学机械与动力工程学院,湛江 524088广东海洋大学机械与动力工程学院,湛江 524088
Aerospace materialsHigh-speed milling forceGrey wolf algorithm(GWO)Extreme learning machine(ELM)
《宇航材料工艺》 2024 (5)