

Characteristics of Bi-Direction Leader and the Return Stroke Process of Altitude Triggered Lightning Flash


笔者利用高速摄像系统、距闪电通道60 m和550 m处的电场变化测量仪对负极性空中触发闪电放电过程进行了详细的研究.结果表明:下行负先导的发展过程具有多次间歇,梯级间隔平均为17.8 μs;上行正先导也具有梯级特征,平均间隔为18.7 μs;在下行负先导梯级发展期间,上行正先导也呈梯级发展;当负先导停歇后,上行正先导则转化为连续发展,二者呈交替式发展;上行正先导的产生比下行负先导早约1 ms左右;在连接过程发生瞬间,放电通道的发光具有不连续性;梯级先导发展的平均速度为(1~4.6)×104 m/s;直窜先导的平均速度为(1.5~6.2)× 106 m/s;小击后跟随有较长时间的连续放电和活跃的初始M分量.

The discharge process of altitude-triggered lightning flash had been studied in detail by using observation from high-speed digital camera(1 000 s-1),slow antenna and fast antenna located in 60 m and 550 m.The analyzed results suggested that the downward negative leader had several intermis-sions,and the average step interval was 17.8 µs.The upward positive leader also had step characteris-tics,and the average step interval was 18.7 µs.During the developing period of downward negative lead-er,the upward positive leader was born the step.While the negative leader stopped,the positive leader translated into continuous development.The upward positive leader was produced earlier about 1 ms than the downward negative leader.Just at the connecting time,the luminescence of the channel had disconti-nuity.The average velocity of the step leader before the first return stroke was(1~4.6)× 104 m/s.The average velocity of the dart leader was(1.5~6.2)× 106 m/s.The first stroke was companied by long continue current and active initial M component.


南京信息工程大学应急管理学院,南京 210044南京信息工程大学应急管理学院,南京 210044南京信息工程大学应急管理学院,南京 210044


altitude triggered lightning flashesbi-direction leaderreturn strokehigh speed video camera

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (6)


国家重点研究发展计划项目(编号:2017YFC1501504)国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41875002,41975003).Project supported by National Program on Key Research Project of China(No.2017 YFC1501504)National Natural Science Founda-tion of China(No.41875002,41975003).

