Experimental and Simulation Study of Corona Discharge Characteristics of Ultra-High Voltage AC Corona Rings in High Humidity Environment
The extreme weather conditions caused by power transmission from the west to the east have made the problem of corona discharge on ultra-high voltage fittings more prominent.In the southwest re-gions of China,the climate is characterized by high humidity,with relative humidity levels reaching up to 90%during the summer and consistently remaining above 50%throughout other seasons.The increased presence of water molecules in high-humidity environment enhances the probability of corona dischar-ges.Conventional ultra-high voltage equipment faces challenges in meeting the requirements of corona control in high-humidity conditions.Therefore,it is essential to investigate the corona discharge charac-teristics of corona rings in high-humidity environment.This study addresses the issue of the lack of a basis for voltage correction in visible corona tests of corona rings under humidity conditions exceeding 70%.We have established an adjustable humidity test platform with typical electrode configurations,conducted visible corona tests on corona rings under varying humidity conditions,and obtained the corona discharge characteristics of corona rings at different humidity levels.Additionally,we have performed simulation calculations and analyses of the electric field on the surface of the corona rings.Based on the experimental findings and simulation results in high-humidity environments,some methods are proposed for voltage correction and corona control of corona rings,providing a theoretical foundation and data sup-port for the design of corona-resistant corona rings in special environment.
国网湖北省电力有限责任公司检修公司,武汉 430050国网湖北省电力有限责任公司检修公司,武汉 430050国网湖北省电力有限责任公司检修公司,武汉 430050国网湖北省电力有限责任公司检修公司,武汉 430050国网湖北省电力有限责任公司检修公司,武汉 430050中国电力科学研究院有限公司电网环境保护国家重点实验室,武汉 430074
high humiditycorona dischargecorona ringsvoltage correctionelectric field simulation
《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (6)
国家电网公司总部科技项目(编号.5500-201947423A-0-0-00).Project supported by Science and Technology Program of State Grid(No.5500-201947423A-0-0-00).