首页|期刊导航|电瓷避雷器|潮湿环境下某750 kV架空线路复合绝缘子异常发热分析

潮湿环境下某750 kV架空线路复合绝缘子异常发热分析OA

Abnormal Heating of Composite Insulator in 750 kV Overhead Line Under Humid Environment



Composite insulators are superior in terms of electrical performance and are more economical compared to other insulators,so they are widely used in high-voltage transmission lines.Although com-posite insulators have excellent performance when applied in a large number of power transmission lines,because the macromolecules constituting organic composite materials in composite insulators are easy to break,the surface pollution is easily affected by extreme environment,thus reducing the performance of insulators.The abnormal heating insulators in a certain pole and tower are studied,and it is found that the pollution degree of the high voltage end is more serious.Further study shows that the surface pollution of the high voltage end of the insulator is seriously affected by the dual factors of high field strength and extreme environment and high humidity in the area,and the field strength around the high voltage end is closely related to the installation position of the grading ring.The insulator was modeled and simulated by COMSOL.Finally,it was concluded that the installation position of the grading ring at the high voltage end of the insulator during operation would indeed lead to higher field strength around it.The optimal range of the installation position of the grading ring was further simulated,which provided ideas for explo-ring the causes of abnormal heating of the insulator and its solutions.


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insulatorgrading ringSEMCOMSOL

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (6)


