Overvoltage Control Method of Distributed New Energy Distribution Network in Cold and Dry Areas
The random variation of irrigation load and the nonlinear dynamic variation of distributed wind energy in the cold and drought region bring about the complex transient overvoltage with high confusion type.Taking a typical daily two-stage peak load line in an agricultural area of eastern Mongolia as an example,a distribution network system model considering irrigation load and new energy access was built,and the characteristics of voltage amplitude distribution were compared and analyzed in various ways.The simulation results show that distributed new energy can alleviate the power demand of irrigation peak load,but it will produce overvoltage problem.Adding energy storage system can alleviate voltage amplitude,but centralized energy storage system is inferior to distributed energy storage system in termi-nal voltage processing.The application in the typical agricultural area of eastern Mongolia alleviates the voltage problem during irrigation peak hours,and the relevant conclusions provide a technical reference for distributed new energy with high permeability.
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cold and dry areasirrigation loaddistributed new energytransient over-voltagevoltage regulationinhibition method
《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (6)
国网内蒙古东部电力有限公司科技项目(编号:SGMDTL00YWJS2100711).Project supported by Science and Technology Program of State Grid Inner Mongolia Eastern Electric Power Co.,Ltd.(No.SGMDTL00YWJS2100711).