Design and Research on Upgrading and Renovating Existing High Voltage Transmission Lines in Urban Areas
In some urban power transmission and transformation projects,due to the existing development and future planning of the city,it is no longer possible to open up new high-voltage overhead line corridors,and only existing line paths can be used for upgrading and renovation.For this type of high-voltage transmission line project,measures such as integrating new and old line channels,optimizing the electromagnetic environment of the conductors,selecting heat-resistant conductors for capacity expansion,designing construction schedules and temporary transition plans,selecting tower types and foundation construction are taken to achieve the goals of meeting urban planning,shortening construction period,improving environmental indicators,and reducing project investment,so that the project has better technical and economic indicators,which can be used as a reference and reference for similar projects.
中国电力规划设计协会,北京 100120中国电建集团福建省电力勘测设计院有限公司,福建 福州 350003
channel integrationelectromagnetic environmentcapacity increasing heat-resistant wiretemporary transition plantower selection
《电力勘测设计》 2024 (12)