Research on Lightning Resistance of UHV DC,AC and Grounding Electrode Lines Erected on the Common Tower
为减少土地资源占用,需将特高压直流、高压交流与接地极线路同塔架设,该方式下的线路防雷性能对系统的安全稳定运行至关重要.文章基于电磁暂态程序和改进的电气几何模型对±800 kV、2×220 kV与接地极线路同塔时的耐雷性能进行仿真计算,对比分析同条件下同塔架设与单独架设时的雷击跳闸率,并对接地极线路同塔存在的双极闭锁风险展开研究.研究表明,±800 kV线路的雷击跳闸率以及由接地极线路同塔导致的双极闭锁率较低,同塔2×220 kV线路为防雷薄弱点;相比单独架设,±800 kV线路的雷击跳闸率显著降低,2×220 kV线路的雷击跳闸率将明显增加;通过增强绝缘辅以减小保护角等优化措施可以有效降低2×220 kV线路的雷击跳闸率,防雷优化过程中应充分重视不同线路间的绝缘配合问题.
In order to reduce the occupation of land resources,it is necessary to erect the common tower of ultra-high-voltage direct current,high-voltage alternating current and grounding electrode lines,and the lightning protection performance of the line under this mode is very important for the safe and stable operation of the system.Based on the electricmagnetic transient program and the improved electrogeometric model,the simulation calculation of the lightning resistance performance of±800 kV,2×220 kV and the common tower of the grounding electrode line is carried out,and the lightning trip rate of the common tower and the single erection under the same conditions is compared and analyzed,and the risk of bipolar locking of the common tower of the grounding electrode line is studied.The research results show that the lightning flashover rate of±800 kV line and the bipolar lockout rate caused by the common tower of the grounding electrode line is low,and the 2×220 kV line of the common tower is the weak point of lightning protection.Compared with the single erection,the lightning trip rate of the±800 kV line is significantly reduced,and the lightning trip rate of the 2×220 kV line will be significantly increased.The lightning trip rate of the 2×220 kV line can be effectively reduced by strengthening the insulation supplemented by reducing the protection angle and other optimization measures.In the process of lightning protection optimization,full attention should be paid to the insulation coordination between different lines.
中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司,广东 广州 510663中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司,广东 广州 510663中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司,广东 广州 510663
transmission lineelectrode lineerection on the common towerlightning resistancebipolar blocking
《电力勘测设计》 2024 (12)