Molecular Marker-assisted Breeding of Sweet'n Waxy Corn
[目的]创制优质甜糯玉米新自交系,探索玉米育种改良新途径,为果穗上同时出现甜、糯粒的玉米新品种选育奠定基础.[方法]以生产上主推的京科糯 2000为材料,经三代系谱选育出优质糯玉米种质GMC013,利用其与甜玉米雪甜 7401杂交、自交四代;结合分子标记辅助选择和田间选择,聚合玉米胚乳淀粉合成途径中的甜质基因sh2和糯质基因wx,系谱选育优质甜、糯玉米新自交系.[结果]利用分子标记辅助选择技术成功创制出甜玉米自交系GM102和糯玉米自交系GM104和GM112.田间试验表明,自交系在生育期、株高、穗位高、穗长、穗粗、鲜百粒重和出籽率等方面达到甜、糯玉米关于品质与外观粒型的认定标准.[结论]利用分子辅助选择技术结合田间选择可精准、高效地创制新的优异玉米自交系,为福建鲜食玉米品种选育提供重要的种质储备与遗传改良资源.
[Objective]Breeding a new corn variety that bore both sweet and waxy kernels on same ear by means of a molecular marker-assisted technique was developed to establish a unique branded produce for Fujian.[Method]Jingkenuo No.2000,a major high-quality waxy corn grown by the local farmers was cross bred in 3 generation to arrive at GMC013 through pedigree breeding.The new germplasm was then hybridized with sweet Xuetian No.7401 and self-pollinated.By employing the molecular marker-assisted and field selection methods like what has been used on rice,both sweet gene sh2 and waxy gene wx in the starch synthesis pathway were induced to the new corn variety for fresh consumption.[Result]The applied breeding technology successfully helped develop the sweet GM102 as well as the glutinous GM104 and GM112.The field tests proved that the inbred lines had met the quality standard and appearance of sweet and glutinous kernel types with desirable growth period,plant height,ear position on a plant,ear length,ear thickness,fresh weight of 100 kernels,and kernel setting rate.[Conclusion]The molecular-assisted technique combined with the field selection successfully bred a superior corn germplasm with the targeted characteristics in producing both sweet and waxy kernels on an ear.
福建省农业科学院生物技术研究所,福建 福州 350003
sweet'n waxy cornmarker-assisted selectionsh2 genewx gene
《福建农业学报》 2024 (009)
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