

Metabolomics of Mulberry Fruits at Developmental Stages


[目的]研究桑葚果实发育过程中的代谢组分变化规律.[方法]以桑葚品种粤椹大十绿果期、转色期和成熟期的果实为样本材料,进行广泛靶向代谢组学分析,并基于差异富集代谢物(Differentially accumulated metabolites,DAMs)进行KEGG代谢途径富集分析.[结果]从粤椹大十 3个时期果实样本中检测到 1146种代谢组分,以P<0.05且VIP>1.0为标准,其中 483种代谢物被鉴定为DAMs,包括 51种积累水平在整个果实发育过程中均显著差异的DAMs.2种类黄酮和 1种花色苷在桑葚发育过程中显著提高.基于DAMs进行KEGG分析表明,α-亚麻酸代谢和亚油酸代谢在绿果期发育到转色期过程中显著富集,抗坏血酸和藻酸盐代谢在转色期发育到成熟期过程中显著富集,而亚油酸代谢和角质/木栓和蜡生物合成在整个果实发育过程中显著富集.进一步分析发现,尽管粤椹大十桑葚果实发育过程中包含 6种上调积累和 1种下调积累的亚油酸代谢组分,但从整体上看亚油酸积累水平呈下降趋势.[结论]51种DAMs可能持续参与桑葚果实整个发育过程,其中花色苷与类黄酮显著提高,亚油酸代谢途径中的 7种关键代谢组分可能影响其品质风味形成.研究结果有助于更好地了解桑葚成熟过程中营养成分的动态变化规律,为揭示桑葚果实品质风味形成机制和选育优质桑葚种质奠定基础,同时也为桑葚采摘期的判定提供科学依据.

[Objective]Changes in metabolic substances at various developmental stages of mulberry fruits were studied.[Methods]A widely targeted metabolomic analysis was conducted on Morus alba cv.yueshen dashi fruits sampled at the stages of green fruit,color transition,and maturation.KEGG metabolic pathway enrichment was analyzed based on the differentially accumulated metabolites(DAMs).[Results]A total of 1 146 metabolic substances were identified from the specimens at the fruit developmental stages.At P<0.05 and VIP>1.0,483 metabolites were identified as DAMs,51 DAMs showed significant differences in the accumulation throughout the whole fruit development process.The contents of two flavonoids and one anthocyanin increased significantly during the developmental stages.The DAMs based on the KEGG metabolic pathway analysis indicated α-linolenic acid and linoleic acid metabolisms to be significantly enriched from the green to the colored stage,while ascorbate and aldarate metabolisms significantly enhanced from the color transition period to maturity,whereas linoleic acid metabolism as well as cutin,suberine,and wax biosynthesis significantly augmented throughout the entire development process.Although there were 6 up-accumulated and one down-accumulated linoleic acid,overall,the accumulation was on a downward trend as the fruits developed.[Conclusions]There were 51 DAMs that might involve in the mulberry fruit development.It was found that anthocyanins and flavonoids rose significantly and 7 key metabolic components in the linoleic acid metabolism pathway might affect the quality and flavor of the fruits as well.The research results contributed a better understanding of the dynamic change in the nutritional composition of ripening mulberries,laying the foundation for revealing the mechanism of quality and flavor formation and breeding high-quality germplasm.At the same time,it also provided a scientific basis for determining the optimal fruit picking time.


福建省农业科学院果树研究所,福建 福州 350013



Mulberryfruit developmentmetabolomicsKEGG metabolic pathwaylinoleic acid

《福建农业学报》 2024 (009)

1069-1075 / 7


