

Highly efficient oxidation-BAF process based on printing and dyeing pysicochemical sludge for advanced treatment of printing and dyeing biochemical tailwater


针对目前印染废水生物降解性差,生化尾水达标难问题,本研究构建了高效氧化-曝气生物滤池(biological aerated filter,BAF)工艺对尾水进行深度处理,利用过硫酸盐高级氧化方法提高尾水生化性,然后通过BAF生物处理实现印染生化尾水的达标排放.此外,针对印染污泥难处置问题,分别研发了污泥基生物炭催化剂和污泥陶粒材料,并应用到组合工艺中.结果表明:利用物化污泥制备氧化工艺催化剂,在催化剂投加量为2g·L-1,过硫酸氢钾(peroxymonosulfate,PMS)投加量为4 mmol·L-1,pH为7的最佳参数下得出生化尾水的UV254去除率为68.1%,COD去除率为66.0%,BOD5/COD增加至0.35,能有效提高尾水的可生化性.相比较市售陶粒填料,自制污泥陶粒填料比表面积更大,微生物附着量更多,氧化后的尾水通入装填污泥陶粒的Z-BAF反应器,在水力停留时间10h、气水比7∶1的最优运行条件下,出水指标均可稳定达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 4287-2012).该组合工艺利用物化污泥资源优势,以废治废,为印染废水处理提供一种绿色、经济环保的工艺方案.

In view of the poor biodegradability of printing and dyeing wastewater and the difficulty of reaching the standard of biochemical tail water,the highly efficient oxidation-biological aerated filter(BAF)process was constructed for advanced treatment of tail water in this study.The persulfate advanced oxidation method was used to improve the biodegradability of the tail water,and then the BAF biological treatment was used to achieve the standard reached discharge of printing and dyeing biochemical tail water.In addition,in order to solve the problem of difficult disposal of printing and dyeing sludge,sludge-based biochar catalysts and sludge ceramsite materials were developed and used in the combined process.The results showed that under the optimal parameters:pysicochemical sludge-based catalyst dosage of 2 g·L-1,potassium peroxymonosulfate(PMS)dosage of 4 mmol·L-1,and pH 7,UV254 and the COD removal rates of biochemical tail water were 68.1%and 66.0%,respectively,and the BOD5/COD value increased to 0.35,which effectively improved the biodegradability of tail water.Compared with the commercial ceramsite filler,the self-made sludge ceramsite filler had a larger specific surface area and more microbial attachment.When the oxidized tail water was fed into the Z-BAF reactor filled with sludge ceramsite,the effluent indicators can stably meet the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Textile Dyeing and Finishing Industry(GB 4287-2012)under the optimal operating conditions:hydraulic retention time of 10 h and gas-water ratio of 7∶1.The combined process utilizes the advantages of physicochemical sludge resources to treat waste with waste,and provides a green,economical and environmentally friendly process scheme for printing and dyeing wastewater treatment.


合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,合肥 230009安徽中环环保科技股份有限公司,合肥 230000皖创环保股份有限公司,宿州 234000安徽建筑大学,环境污染控制与废弃物资源化利用安徽省重点实验室,合肥 230601



printing and dyeing biochemical tailwaterhighly efficient oxidation-BAF processdyeing and printing sludgesludge-based bio-carbonsludge ceramic grains

《环境工程学报》 2024 (010)

2825-2833 / 9


