

Characterization of the behavior of dust particles impacting the surface of solar photovoltaic panels


积灰污染对光伏组件发电效率有负面影响,理解灰尘颗粒在组件表面的沉积机理是有效清灰的前提.采用高速摄像技术,研究不同入射速度下灰尘颗粒撞击不同积灰密度玻璃表面的运动行为.结果显示,灰尘颗粒的临界捕集速度随着积灰密度的增大而增大,积灰密度分别为20 g/m2、50 g/m2和100 g/m2时颗粒的临界捕集速度分别是0.417 4 m/s、0.497 8 m/s和0.639 4 m/s;颗粒黏附概率与入射速度呈负相关,与积灰密度、覆层湿度呈正相关,覆层湿度对颗粒的黏附概率具有显著影响;颗粒的法向恢复系数与颗粒粒径、安装倾角呈正相关;当积灰密度相同时,颗粒的法向恢复系数均随覆层湿度增大而减小.

Dust contamination has a serious negative impact on the efficiency of photovoltaic modules,and understanding the deposition mechanism of dust particles on the surface of the module is a prerequisite for effective dust removal.The high-speed camera technology was used to study the motion behavior of dust particles with different incident velocities impacting on the surface of the glass and varying densities of dust.The study shows that the critical trapping velocity of dust particles increases with the increase of dust accumulation density,and the critical trapping velocities of particles with dust accumulation densities of 20 g/m2,50 g/m2,and 100 g/m2 are 0.417 4 m/s,0.497 8 m/s,and 0.639 4 m/s,respectively.The probability of particle adhesion is negatively correlated to the incidence velocity,and positively correlated to the dust accumulation density and the cladding humidity,and the humidity of cladding affects the particle adhesion probability.The normal recovery coefficient of the particles is positively related to the particle size and the mounting inclination.When the amount of dust accumulation density is the same,the normal recovery coefficients of the particles all decrease with the increase of the cladding humidity.


国家电投集团东北电力开发有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110015国家电投集团东北电力开发有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110015国家电投集团东北电力开发有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110015国家电投集团东北电力开发有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110015国家电投集团东北电力开发有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110015中电投东北能源科技有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110179沈阳航空航天大学能源与环境学院,辽宁 沈阳 110136



photovoltaic moduleparticle depositionnormal recovery coefficientcritical trapping velocity

《节能》 2024 (10)



